An implementation of Quantifying the Visual Concreteness of Words and Topics in Multimodal Datasets with PyTorch.
It uses a ResNet50 along with Spotify's Annoy library to compute the visual concreteness scores of words from MIRFLICKR.
To install the basic requirements, run this:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you'd like use a Jupyter Notebook for interacting with the concreteness scores after computing them, you'll also need:
pip install -r requirements-notebook.txt
As of now, the existing code has only been tested with Python3.6 and Python 3.7.
For the MSCOCO dataset, you'd also have to download the English model for SpaCy by
python -m spacy download en
Downloading the dataset
Before running, you'll need to download the MIRFLICKR dataset. You can do that with:
cd data
It's 120GB, so it may take a while.
Similarly, you can get the MSCOCO dataset with:
cd data
Shell usage
Once your download is finished, you can compute the concreteness scores with:
python -d <mirflickr_directory> -c <cache_directory> -v
Swap in the path to where the mirflickr dataset was downloaded to and a directory of your choice to use for caching.
For the MSCOCO dataset, run with
python -d <mscoco_directory> -c <cache_directory> -v -t mscoco
Jupyter Notebook
If you prefer, you can also run the provided Jupyter Notebook:
jupyter notebook concreteness.ipynb
- Improve Jupyter Notebook formatting
Thanks to
@jmhessel for helpful pointers and a great paper.
title={Quantifying the visual concreteness of words and topics in multimodal datasets},
author={Hessel, Jack and Mimno, David and Lee, Lillian},