

Deploy your website

IBM Cloud Powered Platform

Use this application to deploy your webiste on cloud. Besides that, it's possible to connect your custom domain (.com, .io, .dev, etc) into your website in order to available your content through your domain.

Architecture Design

Components and technologies

Deploy to the cloud

You can click the button below to deploy the server to the cloud. If you want to learn more, you can read the blog about IBM Cloud.

Deploy to IBM Cloud

Run your website

You need to install locally, paste/move your websit into public folder and then run the deploy script.

1. Download the app

git clone https://github.com/victorshinya/website-base.git
cd website-base

2. Paste your front-end

Paste your code (HTML, CSS, and JS files) into public folder.

3. Deploy your website

Run the script below to deploy your website.

ibmcloud cf push

Run locally

To run locally, you need to run the commands below. After that, access the link on http://localhost:3000.

npm install
npm start


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 Victor Shinya