


This is a javascript client used to communicate with a Rocker server. This script works both in a browser and as a nodejs module. (The Rocker server is a restful backend service (LAMP), here you can read more about PHP-Rocker)


var Rocker = require('rocker'),
    server = new Rocker('https://api.website.com/');

var userMeta = {
    birth : '1980-12-04',
    gender : 'male',
    country: 'Finland'
server.createUser('john@gmail.com', 'John', 'password', userMeta, function(status, user) {
    if( status == 409 ) {
        console.log('E-mail taken by another user');
    } else {


var server = new Rocker('https://api.website.com/');
server.setUser('admin@gmail.com', 'thepassword');
    path : 'email/send',
    method : 'POST',
    data : {
        to : 'anna@facebook.com',
        subject : 'Hi there!',
        body : '...'
    auth : true, // send authorization header
    onComplete : function(status, json, http) {
        console.log(status); // the http status code
        console.log(json); // json data returned by server
        console.log(http); // XHR object in the browser, http response object in nodejs

Here you can read more about which operations that is available out-of-the-box

RC4 encrypted authentication

If you're using RC4 encrypted authentication you will have to give the shared secret to your client before making any requests that requires authentication. Example:

var server = new Rocker('https://api.website.com/');
server.setUser('admin@gmail.com', 'thepassword');
server.me(function(user) {
  console.log('My name is ' + user.nick );

Storing files

Browser example (requires support for FileReader):

  <input type="file" id="file-upload" />
  <script src="js/rocker.js"></script>
    var server = new Rocker('https://api.website.com/');
    server.setUser('admin@website.com', 'password...');

        // input of type file

        // Callback when operation finished
        function(status, obj) {
            if( status == 'success' ) {
                // all went well....
                console.log('File available at '+obj.location);
            else if( status == 'browser-error' ) {
                // error in browser
                alert(obj); // alert error message
            else if( status == 'server-error' ) {
                // something went wrong on backend

        // Callback called before sending file to server
        function(file) {
            // file variable being an object representing the file
            // return false to prevent file from being sent to server

        // Object declaring image versions that should be generated
        // in case the file is an image
            thumb : '80x80',
            small : '160x0',
            medium : '468x0'

Nodejs example:

var fs = require('fs'),
    mime = require('mime'),
    Rocker = require('rocker'),
    server = new Rocker('https://api.website.com/');

// Give client user credentials
server.setUser('admin@website.com', 'password....');

// Load image into base64 encoded string (only binary files needs to be base64 encoded)
var imgBase64 = new Buffer(fs.readFileSync('my-image.jpg', 'binary'), 'binary').toString('base64'),
    mimeType = mime.lookup('my-image.jpg');

// Declare callback
var onFileSent = function(status, response) {
    if( status == 201 ) {
        // All is fine :)
        console.log('Image located at '+ response.location);
    } else {

// Send file to server
    'file/my-image.jpg', // you can user what ever file name you want for your file
    onFileSent, // the callback
    true, // Boolean telling the server if file content should be base64 decoded
    {thumb : '100x100'} // object with image versions (generated in case saved file is an image)