

Arterial Traffic Flow Prediction

This repository contains all of the code that I have been using for my research.

All commands must be run from the top-level Code directory.

# Command to generate distances and adjacency matrix
python3 scripts/generate_graph_connections.py --plan_name P2 --dl 508302 508306 508201 508205 509101 509105 507202 507206 608101 608105 608104 608107 --adjacency_matrix_path test
python3 DCRNN/scripts/gen_adj_mx.py --sensor_ids_filename data/inputs/model/sensors_advanced_5083.txt --distances data/inputs/model/distances_5083_P1.csv --output_pkl_filename data/inputs/model/adjacency_matrix_5083_P1.pkl

# Command to run the training data generation script
python3 scripts/generate_training_data.py --intersection 5083 --plan_name P2 --output_dir data/inputs -v
python3 scripts/generate_training_data.py --intersection 5083 --plan_name P2 --x_offset 12 --y_offset 3 --output_dir data/inputs --timestamps_dir data/inputs -v
python3 scripts/generate_training_data.py --intersection 5083 --plan_name P2 --x_offset 24 --y_offset 6 --start_time_buffer 24 --output_dir data/inputs --timestamps_dir data/inputs -v
python3 scripts/generate_training_data.py --intersection 5083 --plan_name P2 --x_offset 3 --y_offset 6 --output_dir data/inputs --timestamps_dir data/inputs --timeseries -v

# Command to run all models to have errors in a central location
python3 model_runner.py config/model_runner_config.yaml -vv
python3 experiment_runner.py config/experiment_runner_config.yaml -vv

# Command to run DCRNN for sensor 5083
python3 DCRNN/dcrnn_train.py --config_filename data/5083/5083.yaml | tee data/5083/5083.out

# Command to get predictions
python3 DCRNN/run_demo.py --config_filename data/5083/dcrnn_DR_2_h_12_64-64_lr_0.01_bs_64_0918120854/config_92.yaml --output_filename data/5083/predictions.npz

# Command to plot predictions
python3 DCRNN/scripts/graph_predictions.py data/5083/predictions.npz data/inputs/5083_sensor_data/test.npz

# Command to get predictions metrics
python3 scripts/experiment_metrics.py experiments/full-information_20200114-123958/ -d 508302 508306
python3 scripts/predictions_metrics.py -d 508302 508306 --dl experiments/full-information_20200114-123958/inputs/model/detector_list.txt --h 1 --h 3 --h 6 --round 2 experiments/full-information_20200114-123958/experiments/dcrnn/

Notes to self about DCRNN

Bug fixes

Confusions/Weird things