

Nano ID for Kotlin

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Inspired by the following parent project: ai/nanoid

<img src="./logo.svg" align="right" alt="Nano ID logo by Anton Lovchikov" width="180" height="94">

A tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for Kotlin.

“An amazing level of senseless perfectionism, which is simply impossible not to respect.”

How to use

Add nanoid-kotlin as a dependency to your project.


dependencies {
  implementation 'io.viascom.nanoid:nanoid:1.0.1'



Start using it:

val id = NanoId.generate()
val idWithCustomLength = NanoId.generate(10)
val idWithCustomAlphabet = NanoId.generate(alphabet = "ABC123")

Calculating the additional bytes factor for a custom alphabet

If you change the alphabet of the NanoId.generate() function, you could optimize the performance by calculating a new additional bytes factor with the following function:

val bytesFactor = NanoId.calculateAdditionalBytesFactor("ABC123")
val id = NanoId.generate(21, "ABC123", bytesFactor)

Utilizing a custom-calculated additional bytes factor in NanoId.generate() enhances string generation performance. This factor determines how many bytes are generated in a single batch, optimizing computational efficiency. Generating an optimal number of bytes per batch minimizes redundant operations and conserves memory.

Usage Guide: NanoId.generateOptimized()

The NanoId.generateOptimized() function is an advanced version of the NanoId.generate() function designed for higher performance and lower memory overhead. While it provides a more efficient mechanism to generate unique identifiers, it assumes that you know precisely how you want to use it.

🚫 Warning: No checks are performed inside NanoId.generateOptimized(). Use it only if you're sure about the parameters you' re passing.

Example Usage

Generate a NanoId String of length 10 using the default alphabet set:

val id = NanoId.generateOptimized(10, "_-0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", 63, 16)


By following this guide, you can seamlessly integrate the NanoId.generateOptimized() function into your projects and enjoy the benefits of its optimized performance.

🌱 Contributors Welcome

All relevant details about the project can be found in this README.

Your active participation 🤝 is a cornerstone of nanoid-kotlin. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

🖥️ Authors

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project. 💕


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.