


Vialer-js is an open-source communication platform written in JavaScript. It features a modular call-handling core, with implementations of a free SIP softphone(CallSIP) and an optional proprietary calling API(CallConnectAB) for the VoIPGRID platform. CallSIP implements a SIP-over-websocket softphone (using SIP.js) with all features you would expect like on-hold, blind & attended transfer, dealing with multiple calls and click-to-dial in browser tabs.

The code is written to be compliant with the WebExtension standard, so it runs by default as a browser plugin, but can just as easily run inside the context of a webpage or an Electron container. Its simple data-orientated design (Vue/Vue-stash) makes it a breeze to implement new features for multiple platforms at a very fast pace. Custom protocols can be incorporated into its core system, so Vialer-js is not bound to SIP. Currently, the code is already modular enough to incorporate multiple protocols, but - truth be told - still requires significant work to make it truly modular.

Check out the documentation for detailed information on how to install Vialer-js from source.

Building from source



Checkout the project and install its dependencies from npm:

git clone git@github.com:VoIPGRID/vialer-js.git
cd vialer-js
npm i -g gulp web-ext
npm i
# Set the default branding file.
cp ./.vialer-jsrc.example ~/.vialer-jsrc

Make a build:

gulp build

Now go to chrome://extensions and point to build/vialer/chrome. You should have a working Chrome WebExtension by now! Checkout the {@tutorial install} to learn more about builds.