Basics of Pandas python library
Basic Dataframes Operations
- Create Dataframe from a dictionary Sample Notebook
- Create Dataframe by inserting rows in an iterative way Sample Notebook
- Create Dataframe with randomly generated data Sample Notebook
- Create Dataframe from a csv file Sample Notebook
- Change Dataframe column names Sample Notebook
- Chose specific columns from a DataFrame Sample Notebook
- Delete drop columns or extract columns from Dataframe Sample Notebook
Manipulating Dataframe
- Iterate over a dataframe Sample Notebook
- Apply function to dataframe row wise Sample Notebook
- Apply function to a specific column of dataframe Sample Notebook
- Find and replace a value in Dataframe Sample Notebook
Split and Merge Dataframes
- Merge dataframes by columns using join Sample Notebook
- Merge dataframes by columns on index Sample Notebook
- Merge dataframe and split again Sample Notebook
- Group by a dataframe and iterate over grouped series Sample Notebook
Convert columns
- Get binary columns in a DataFrame Sample Notebook
- Convert categorical columns to integer columns using label encoding Sample Notebook
- Reduce high dimentionality from categorical column Sample Notebook
- Convert categorical column to one hot encoded column Sample Notebook
Split column
- Split column usiong a delimiter Sample Notebook
- Split a column using delimter and one hot encode the values Sample Notebook
Adding capabilities to pandas.DataFrame class
- Extend pandas.DataFrame class to store additional value(s). Sample Notebook