

Testcases for vfmd

This repository hold testcases for verifying whether an implementation of vfmd (that outputs HTML) confirms to the vfmd specification.


The tests are organized in a folder/subfolder hierarchy, for e.g. block_level/blockquote, span_level/emphasis, with test .md files placed in the subfolders.

Running tests

To run the tests, you need an executable command that reads Markdown from stdin and outputs XHTML to stdout. Assuming that command is at /path/to/vfmd_impl, you can say:

./run_tests /path/to/vfmd_impl

You can also run specific tests from specific subfolders.

# Test just ordered and unordered lists
./run_tests vfmd_impl --dir="block_level/*list"

# Run all tests involving ref links
./run_tests vfmd_impl --dir="tests/span_level/*" --testcase="*ref_link*"


Per my assessment, the following tests are required to complete the test suite, but I have not managed to write them myself yet:


I'll be glad to receive tests from contributors that augument the current set of tests, whether it's a TODO item listed above or not.

If you have any questions, please contact me or open an issue.