


<div align="center"> <img src="zig.svg" width="128" alt="Zig SDK" /> </div> <p align="center"> <strong> An MSBuild SDK for building Zig, C, and C++ projects using the Zig compiler. </strong> </p> <div align="center">

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The Zig SDK is an MSBuild SDK that augments the .NET SDK with the ability to build Zig, C, and C++ projects.

With support for multiple programming languages, cross-compilation, NuGet packaging, and more, the Zig SDK makes it trivial to author native components as part of your .NET solution - without all the hassle that is usually part and parcel of building and packaging native code. These features are powered by the Zig toolchain.


This project offers the following packages:

Vezel.Zig.SdkProvides the MSBuild SDK and associated tasks.Downloads

To install an SDK package in a project, add it to your global.json under the msbuild-sdks property.

For more information, please visit the project home page.


You will need the .NET SDK installed. Simply run ./cake (a Bash script) to build artifacts. You can also use ./cake pack if you do not want to build the documentation (which requires Node.js).


This project is licensed under the terms found in LICENSE-0BSD.

The Zig logo is licensed under the terms found in LICENSE-CC-BY-SA-4.0.