

Application aware layer switching 🔁 with kanata ⌨️ and sway 💨

Additional features:

Current layer text overlay


How it works ⚙️

  1. You have a main layer, this will be used by default.
  2. You have a ~/.config/keyboard/apps/org.telegram.desktop layer. When telegram is focused it sends the window name (org.telegram.desktop in this case) to kanata. Kanata switches to this layer. NOTE: If it can't find the corresponding file in /apps it fallbacks to the default layer (main)

Check out my kanata config for reference 💡


How to run 🏃

git clone https://github.com/veyxov/qanata
cd qanata/
cargo run -- --port 7070

Visualize statistics generated from kanata

python script for generating heatmap for key presses

How to run:

./run_stats.sh --file path/to/kanata/log

# Current format: actual_key_presses|layer|resulting_key_press

Bugs 🐞

Caution: This is very experimental and raw. Needs a lot of work to make usable