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Build Status

Brought to you by Alessandro Arnodo [@vesparny]

Dev dependency status

Speed up your AngularJS development with a complete and scalable gulpjs based build system that scaffolds the project for you. Just focus on your app, angular-kickstart will take care of the rest.

See a working demo.

What and Why

angular-kickstart is an opinionated kickstart for single page application development with AngularJS. It makes your development and testing easy, keeps the structure of the project consistent and allows you to create a fully optimized production release with ease. After having developed a lot of AngularJS projects I decided to collect here what I've learnt.

Getting started

Install node.js. Then gulp and bower if you haven't yet.

$ npm -g install gulp bower

After that, install angular-kickstart downloading the latest release (or clone the master branch if you want to run the development version). Unzip the project and cd into it, then install bower and npm dependencies, and run the application in development mode.

$ npm install
$ bower install
$ gulp serve

You are now ready to go, your applcation is available at

Every file you add, edit or delete into the /client folder will be handled by the build system.

When you are ready to build a production release there is a task for that:

$ gulp serve:dist

This task will lint your code, optimize css js and images files, run unit tests. After the task has successfully finished, you can find an optimized version of your project inside the /build/dist folder.


Directory Structure

<a name="thebuildsystem"></a>The Build System

There are some tasks available in gulpfile.js. You can dig into the file to familiarize yourself with gulpjs.

A description of every available task:


PR and issues reporting are always welcome :)


See LICENSE file


See CHANGELOG.md file

Thank you, community!

All this wouldn't have been possible without these great contributors and everybody who comes with new ideas and suggestions.