


This is a cross-platform command-line tool for obtaining live, rudimentary network connection data on a computer system. This tool was designed for network and security analysts to easily view connections on a system as they occur. It will display useful information about network connections that utilities like netstat typically won't give you such as what time the connection was made, the exact command that created the connection, and the user that connection was made by.

Note for Windows users: Detailed process information will not display unless you're running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. An easy way to drop into a system-level command prompt is to use PsExec from SysInternals. Run psexec -i -s cmd.exe as Administrator and then run histstat.



sudo pip install histstat

Windows (open cmd.exe as Administrator):

python -m pip install histstat

Example Usage

$ histstat --help
usage: histstat [-h] [-i INTERVAL] [-j] [-l LOG] [-p] [-q] [-v] [--hash]

history for netstat

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        specify update interval in seconds
  -j, --json            json output
  -l LOG, --log LOG     log output to a file
  -p, --prettify        prettify output
  -q, --quiet           quiet mode, do not output to stdout (for use when logging)
  -v, --version         display the current version
  --hash                takes md5 and sha256 hashes of process files (warning: slow!)

$ sudo histstat -p -l log.txt
date     time     proto laddr           lport raddr           rport status      user                 pid   pname                command
19-06-18 21:18:44 tcp         22    *               *     LISTEN      root                 650   sshd                 /usr/bin/sshd -D
19-06-18 21:18:44 udp         68    *               *     -           root                 647   dhcpcd               /usr/bin/dhcpcd -q -b
19-06-18 21:18:51 tcp         8000  *               *     LISTEN      vesche               5435  python               python -m http.server
19-06-18 21:19:11 tcp         1337  *               *     LISTEN      vesche               5602  ncat                 ncat -l -p 1337
19-06-18 21:19:26 tcp       39246 *               *     LISTEN      vesche               5772  electron             /usr/lib/electron/electron --nolazy --inspect=39246 /usr/lib/code/out/bootstrap-fork --type=extensionHost
19-06-18 21:19:28 tcp    43924    443   ESTABLISHED vesche               5689  code-oss             /usr/lib/electron/electron /usr/lib/code/code.js


Huge thanks to Giampaolo Rodola' (giampaolo) and all the contributers of psutil for the amazing open source library that this project relies upon completely.

Also, thanks to gleitz and his project howdoi, in my refactor of histstat I modeled my code around his command line tool as the code is exceptionally clean and readable.

A big thanks to JavaScriptDude who has a fantastic fork of histstat with many additional features, some of which have now been implemented in this project such as: optional IP geolocation and quiet mode for logging.