

OpenShift Cartridge for Vert.x 3

IMPORTANT: OpenShift v2 being EOL, this project is retired. Please check OpenShift v3.

This project provide a cartridge for OpenShift to run Vert.x 3 applications. The cartridge is based on a fat jar approach, meaning that you provide a fat jar embedding your application.

Getting started

If you don't have an account, or aren't familiar with OpenShift you can go to Getting Started with OpenShift to help guide you through setting up your environment.

Once our environment is setup we can create our first application (we'll call it demo) using the rhc client tools.

The cartridge is not available from OpenShift directly, so you need to pass a couple of parameters. First create your application with

rhc create-app demo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vert-x3/vertx-openshift-cartridge/master/metadata/manifest.yml

To create an application that scale:

rhc create-app demo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vert-x3/vertx-openshift-cartridge/master/metadata/manifest.yml -s

This will create a directory named demo which contain the Openshift template for your application. The cartridge does not provide any application by default.

Deploy your application

Your application needs to be prepared to run on OpenShift. Your HTTP server must listen on the port and address given by the following system properties:

Here is an example:

    .websocketHandler(ws -> { ws.handler(ws::writeMessage);})
    .requestHandler(req -> {
            if (req.uri().equals("/")) req.response().sendFile("ws.html");
        Integer.getInteger("http.port"), System.getProperty("http.address"));

Important to know is that your application is served on port 80/433 for HTTP, but web sockets are on ports 8000/8433. So you may need to change your web socket clients.

Once your code is ready, build a fat jar, and copy this -fat.jar file into the /demo/application directory created by rhc.

To deploy your application, just launch:

git add -A
git commit -m "deploy my application"
git push

Your application should now be running !

IMPORTANT: If you have enabled the HA support of Openshift, your application must return a valid HTTP response (such as 200) when requesting "/". Openshift is using this to detect dead application instances.

Vert.x run options

All Vert.x run options are configured with the RUN_ARGS variable in the configuration/vertx.env file. For example if you want to specify the number of instances to deploy:

export RUN_ARGS="-instances 3"

JVM Parameters and System Properties

You can configure the JVM parameters from the configuration/vertx.env file. These parameters are configured from the VERTX_OPTS variable. Here is an example:

export VERTX_OPTS="-Dfoo=bar"

Customize logging

You can provide your own logging.properties file in the configuration directory. For instance:

java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=%5$s %6$s\n

# Put the log in the system temporary directory


Retrieving the log and thread dump

You can retrieve the log file of your application using:

rhc tail demo -o "-n 200"

A thread dump can be generated using:

rhc threaddump demo


Clustering is supported when the application is scaled through OpenShift when you create your application rhc create-app <my-app> <url> -s.

Clustering is enabled from the configuration/vertx.env by setting:


This generates the cluster metadata and provide a default cluster.xml file. However, if you need to customize this file copy the original cluster file to the configuration directory. The cartridge is going to replace the ${env.xxx} variables.

A note about Java 8

Vert.x applications require Java 8. Openshift(.com) provides Java 8 in /etc/alternatives/java_sdk_1.8.0. If you install OpenShift on your own server, you don't have to provide Java 8. If the cartridge cannot find the Java 8 in the regular directory (the one listed above), it downloads and installs Java 8 alongside the application. However, this consumes lots of disk space and slows down the scalability feature (as Java is downloaded when the gear is created). To avoid this just installs Java 8 in /etc/alternatives/java_sdk_8.