

npm verification

TBV (Trust but Verify)

Package verification for npm.

How to:

Verify packages from npm

  1. Install globally: npm i -g tbv
  2. Verify a package: tbv verify {package}
    • To verify latest, use package name only (eg. redux)
    • To verify a specific version, use name@version (eg. redux@4.0.1)

View verbose output

  1. Use the verbose option: npm verify {package} --verbose

Run in a Docker container

  1. Build the container: npm run docker-build:{distro}
    • Current supported distros are alpine, fedora, and jessie
  2. Run the container: npm run docker-run:{distro} -- {package} [--verbose]

Test a package before publication

  1. Ensure that all commits have been pushed.
  2. Test local directory: tbv test

Build from source

  1. Run the build script: npm run build