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The missing emoji library for java.

emoji-java is a lightweight java library that helps you use Emojis in your java applications.

How to get it?

Via Maven:

You can also download the project, build it with mvn clean install and add the generated jar to your buildpath.

Via Gradle:
compile 'com.vdurmont:emoji-java:5.1.1'
Via Direct Download:

How to use it?


The EmojiManager provides several static methods to search through the emojis database:

You can also query the metadata:

Or get everything:

Emoji model

An Emoji is a POJO (plain old java object), which provides the following methods:

Fitzpatrick modifiers

Some emojis now support the use of Fitzpatrick modifiers that gives the choice between 5 shades of skin tones:


We defined the format of the aliases including a Fitzpatrick modifier as:


A few examples:



To unicode

To replace all the aliases and the html representations found in a string by their unicode, use EmojiParser#parseToUnicode(String).

For example:

String str = "An :grinning:awesome :smiley:string &#128516;with a few :wink:emojis!";
String result = EmojiParser.parseToUnicode(str);
// Prints:
// "An 😀awesome 😃string 😄with a few 😉emojis!"

To aliases

To replace all the emoji's unicodes found in a string by their aliases, use EmojiParser#parseToAliases(String).

For example:

String str = "An 😀awesome 😃string with a few 😉emojis!";
String result = EmojiParser.parseToAliases(str);
// Prints:
// "An :grinning:awesome :smiley:string with a few :wink:emojis!"

By default, the aliases will parse and include any Fitzpatrick modifier that would be provided. If you want to remove or ignore the Fitzpatrick modifiers, use EmojiParser#parseToAliases(String, FitzpatrickAction). Examples:

String str = "Here is a boy: \uD83D\uDC66\uD83C\uDFFF!";
System.out.println(EmojiParser.parseToAliases(str, FitzpatrickAction.PARSE));
// Prints twice: "Here is a boy: :boy|type_6:!"
System.out.println(EmojiParser.parseToAliases(str, FitzpatrickAction.REMOVE));
// Prints: "Here is a boy: :boy:!"
System.out.println(EmojiParser.parseToAliases(str, FitzpatrickAction.IGNORE));
// Prints: "Here is a boy: :boy:🏿!"

To html

To replace all the emoji's unicodes found in a string by their html representation, use EmojiParser#parseToHtmlDecimal(String) or EmojiParser#parseToHtmlHexadecimal(String).

For example:

String str = "An 😀awesome 😃string with a few 😉emojis!";

String resultDecimal = EmojiParser.parseToHtmlDecimal(str);
// Prints:
// "An &#128512;awesome &#128515;string with a few &#128521;emojis!"

String resultHexadecimal = EmojiParser.parseToHtmlHexadecimal(str);
// Prints:
// "An &#x1f600;awesome &#x1f603;string with a few &#x1f609;emojis!"

By default, any Fitzpatrick modifier will be removed. If you want to ignore the Fitzpatrick modifiers, use EmojiParser#parseToAliases(String, FitzpatrickAction). Examples:

String str = "Here is a boy: \uD83D\uDC66\uD83C\uDFFF!";
System.out.println(EmojiParser.parseToHtmlDecimal(str, FitzpatrickAction.PARSE));
System.out.println(EmojiParser.parseToHtmlDecimal(str, FitzpatrickAction.REMOVE));
// Print 3 times: "Here is a boy: &#128102;!"
System.out.println(EmojiParser.parseToHtmlDecimal(str, FitzpatrickAction.IGNORE));
// Prints: "Here is a boy: &#128102;🏿!"

The same applies for the methods EmojiParser#parseToHtmlHexadecimal(String) and EmojiParser#parseToHtmlHexadecimal(String, FitzpatrickAction).

Remove emojis

You can easily remove emojis from a string using one of the following methods:

For example:

String str = "An 😀awesome 😃string with a few 😉emojis!";
Collection<Emoji> collection = new ArrayList<Emoji>();
collection.add(EmojiManager.getForAlias("wink")); // This is 😉

System.out.println(EmojiParser.removeAllEmojisExcept(str, collection));
System.out.println(EmojiParser.removeEmojis(str, collection));

// Prints:
// "An awesome string with a few emojis!"
// "An awesome string with a few 😉emojis!"
// "An 😀awesome 😃string with a few emojis!"

Extract Emojis from a string

You can search a string of mixed emoji/non-emoji characters and have all of the emoji characters returned as a Collection.


emoji-java originally used the data provided by the github/gemoji project. It is still based on it but has evolved since.

Available Emojis

See a table of the available emojis and their aliases HERE.