

vdemeester's ansibles playbooks

This is my personals ansible playbook, role & stuff that I use for my servers and desktop/laptops.

How does it works

  1. Each machines have its own playbook (not sure it's a good practice but meh..).
  2. The ansible-requirements file lists external roles, that are fetched by ansible-galaxy.
  3. Running make will install/update ansible roles and update the .gitignore file accordingly.

That way a usual run is like so :

$ git pull
# […]
$ make
# […]
$ ansible-playbook hokkaido --sudo --ask-sudo-pass # --connection=local # if on runing on the same machine
sudo password: 

PLAY [hokkaido playbook] ****************************************************** 

GATHERING FACTS *************************************************************** 
ok: [hokkaido]

# […]

Note that most of the playbook won't really work out of the box because some sensitive/personal data is not available in this repository.