Tiny Clojure client library for REST API.
coderwall-clj is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars.
To add it into your project, put the following line in the :dependencies
vector in your project.clj
; Use latest version instead of "X.X.X"
:dependencies [[coderwall-clj "X.X.X"]]
All functionality is provided by the coderwall-clj.client namespace.
First, require it in the REPL:
(require '[coderwall-clj.client :as coderwall])
Or in your application:
(ns my-app.core
(:require [coderwall-clj.client :as coderwall]))
The client has 2 simple methods:
- user-url to retrieve API URL.
- user-data to fetch information about user.
user-url [user-name]
To build API URL for user, use the following code:
(coderwall/user-url "vbauer")
; It is also possible to use keyword as username:
(coderwall/user-url :vbauer)
Result output:
user-data [user-name]
To fetch full information about user, use:
(coderwall/user-data "vbauer")
; It is also possible to use keyword as username:
(coderwall/user-data :vbauer)
Result output:
{:name "Vladislav Bauer",
:username "vbauer",
:karma 119,
:title "",
:specialities [],
:team nil,
:id 105055,
[{:name "Lemmings 100",
"Write something great enough to have at least 100 watchers of the project",
:created_at "2014-06-11T19:27:37.729Z",
{:name "Forked 100",
"Have a seriously badass project that's been forked at least 100 times",
:created_at "2014-06-11T19:27:37.465Z",
{:name "Mongoose 3",
"Have at least three original repos where Ruby is the dominant language",
:created_at "2014-06-11T19:27:36.496Z",
{:name "Narwhal 3",
"Have at least three original repos where Clojure is the dominant language",
:created_at "2014-06-11T19:27:36.232Z",
{:name "Walrus",
"The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos",
:created_at "2014-04-18T14:41:59.288Z",
{:name "Komodo Dragon",
"Have at least one original repo where Java is the dominant language",
:created_at "2014-04-12T16:53:40.176Z",
{:name "Charity",
"Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need",
:created_at "2014-04-12T16:53:39.855Z",
:endorsements 119,
:location "Russia, Novosibirsk",
:accounts {:github "vbauer", :twitter "BauerVlad"},
:company "",
"If you can dream it, you can do it.\n\n\n[LinkedIn]( [Blog]( [Bitbucket]( [StackOverflow](\n\n"}}
To fetch short information about user without extra details:
(coderwall/user-data :vbauer false)
To override HTTP client configuration:
:vbauer true
{ :as :json
:accept :json
:insecure? true
:socket-timeout 60000
:conn-timeout 60000 })
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Copyright © 2015 Vladislav Bauer
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.