as3 tween engine
key features:
fluent interface
new StorkTweenPackBuilder()
new StorkTweenPackBuilder()
.insert(StorkTweenBuilder.from(image, 1, {alpha:0}))
.insert(StorkTweenBuilder.fromTo(image, 1, {x:-100}, {x:100}))
.append(, 1, {alpha:0}))
change properties on fly
If, for example, your application is resised. You can change properties of the tween on fly:
var scale:Number = stageWidth / _oldStageWidth;
storkTween.changeProperty("x", function (oldX:Number):Number {
return oldX * scale;
time scaling
You can set you timescale for bot tween or tweenpack objects.
friendly callback api
Thank's to fluet interface, the callback subscription becames very easy.
new StorkTweenPackBuilder()
.append(StorkTweenBuilder.from(image, 1, {alpha:0}).onComplete(trace, ["image appeared"]))
.append(StorkTweenBuilder.from(image, 1, {x:100, y:100}).onComplete(trace, ["image position tweened"]))
.onComplete(trace, ["all tweens completed"])
Note: you can refference "onComplete" and other callback api methods many times.
custom progress controll
Using "currentProgress" property of IStorkTween interface, you can specify the current progrees of the tween manualy. It doesn't metter if you change progress of tween or of tween pack.
starling oriented
Stork tween engine works wraps standart starling tweens.