

Home Assistant Real-Time Sports Score Card

A Home Assistant frontend custom card that will display real-time updates for teams tracked with the ha-teamtracker integration by @vasqued2. Has custom in-game layouts for football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, volleyball, golf, tennis, mma, and racing.

This card was strongly based on the fantastic ha-nfl-card by @D34DC3N73R.

Version Compatibility

PRE Game Examples

<img width="409" alt="PRE-football" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17114183/187316418-86927b91-d4cb-4d6d-9125-13045a1b6c9a.png"> <img width="410" alt="PRE-hockey" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17114183/187316485-68bd6d2a-2784-4c4c-8793-045b83335cef.png"> <img width="409" alt="PRE-basketball" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17114183/187316566-27edc6c2-b68d-4b12-ae58-a56bb6a4db59.png">

IN Game Examples

IN-baseball IN-soccer-CLB IN-football

POST Game Examples

POST-football POST-soccer2

NOT_FOUND (No Upcoming Game, API Error) and BYE Examples

NoScheduledGames APIerror NF-football

HACS Installation

Use this button: Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

OR Manually

  1. Open the HACS section of Home Assistant.
  2. Click the "+ EXPLORE & DOWNLOAD REPOSITORIES" button in the bottom right corner.
  3. In the window that opens search for "Team Tracker Card".
  4. Select "Team Tracker Card" from the list
  5. Select the "Download" button in the buttom right corner.
  6. Select "Download" from the window to download the button.
  7. When given the Option, Reload.
url: /hacsfiles/ha-teamtracker-card/ha-teamtracker-card.js
type: Javascript Module

Manual Installation

url: /hacsfiles/ha-teamtracker-card/ha-teamtracker-card.js
type: Javascript Module

Adding the Card to the Dashboard

Add a Manual card to the dashboard and enter the YAML to configure it as desired.


entityName of ha-teamtracker sensorsensor.team_trackerYesValid sensor
card_titleOverrides show_league and displays the specified string at the top of the cardNoneNoAny string value
home_sideForce the home team to the left or right side of scoreboardTeam displayed on left and opponent displayed on rightNoleft right
outlineOutline team colors (helpful w/ dark themes)falseNotrue false
outline_colorSpecifies outline color.whiteNoCSS color or hex value
show_timeoutsSpecifies if timeout indicators should be shown.trueNotrue false
show_rankSpecifies if team rank should be shown.trueNotrue false
show_leagueSpecifies if league should be shown at the top of the card.falseNotrue false
team_urlProvides an override url when the Home logo is tapped or 'more-info' to allow for more-info to be displayed on double-tap.No overrideNoAny valid URL (i.e. "https://www.espn.com") or "more-info"
opponent_urlProvides an override url when the Oppenent logo is tapped or 'more-info' to allow for more-info to be displayed on double-tap.No overrideNoAny valid URL (i.e. "https://www.espn.com") or "more-info"
bottom_urlProvides an override url when the bottom of the card is tapped or 'more-info' to allow for more-info to be displayed double-tap.No overrideNoAny valid URL (i.e. "https://www.espn.com") or "more-info"


Example 1

type: 'custom:teamtracker-card'
entity: sensor.team_tracker
outline: true
outline_color: deeppink


Example 2

type: 'custom:teamtracker-card'
entity: sensor.team_tracker
outline: true
outline_color: '#ffe500'


Example 3

type: 'custom:teamtracker-card'
entity: sensor.team_tracker
outline: true
outline_color: lightgray
show_timeouts: false
show_rank: true


Minimal Required Configuration

type: 'custom:teamtracker-card'
entity: sensor.team_tracker

Where sensor.team_tracker is the sensor name from the ha-teamtracker integration.