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SIP Rust library implementing RFC 3263, implemented on top of rsip


This library implements all the necessary DNS procedures defined in RFC3263 that allow a client or a server to resolve a SIP URI into the (ip, port, transport) tuple. rsip-dns uses a lazy enumerator architecture, in a sense of a Stream (but does not implement the Stream trait), which means any query to the DNS client is performend only when needed.


Create a Context

The first thing you need is to specify a Context which will act as a guide to the Lookup. The Context, among others, expect anything that implements the DnsClient trait. Refer to that for more information. rsip-dns provides a default implementation of that trait that you can use under the trust-dns feature flag.

use rsip_dns::*;
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr};
use rsip::{Transport, Port, Host};

let context = Context {
    secure: true,
    host: Host::from(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(192, 168, 2, 13))),
    transport: Some(Transport::Udp),
    port: Some(Port::from(5060)),
    dns_client: my_dns_client,
    supported_transports: Default::default()

Here we created a context rather manually, but you can create a context out of a url as well using the Context::initialize_from method:

For example:

use rsip_dns::*;
use rsip::prelude::*;

let uri = rsip::Uri {
    scheme: Some(rsip::Scheme::Sip),
    host_with_port: ("example.com", 5060).into(),

let context = Context::initialize_from(
).expect("uri and supported transports don't overlap");


Once you have the Context, then you need to create a Lookup out of it. Basically there is only one (async) method that you are interested to use from Lookup, the resolve_next and this actually comes from ResolvableExt trait.

let mut lookup = Lookup::from(context);

while let target = lookup.resolve_next().await {
    match target {
        Some(Target {
        }) => println!("next tuple: ({:?}, {:?}, {:?})", ip_addr, port, transport),
        None => break,

For each iteration, the Lookup makes sure it lazily uses the underlying dns client. For instance, in the case of SRV records, it first resolves the first SRV record for A/AAAA records and then moves to the next. Usually you will find what you want quite fast (in the first 1-2 iterations), but according to RFC3263, if you don't have port and transport, and NAPTR records are not responding, you might need 10 or even more DNS queries to resolve the peer (ip, port, transport) tuple. Probably the dns client could use some kind of caching, but that's left up to you, since you need to provide a dns client that implements the DnsClient trait.

Resolving the next (ip, port, transport) tuple

RFC 3263 explains in detail how the process of figuring out the (ip, port, transport) tuple depending whether a port and/or a transport exists, but basically there are 4 distinct cases:

1. IP address

In this case an IP address is given, regardless if a port/transport are available.

2. Domain with Port

In this case the target is a domain and also a port is given.

3. Domain with Transport
4. Domain without Port or Transport

Reusable structure using the ResolvableExt trait

If you notice on the section above, there are many reusable components. For instance, (2) reuses (1), while (3) reuses (2) (which reuses (1)) and (4) reuses all the previous.

The structure of the code follows this pattern by defining a ResolvableExt trait, Resolvable type and other types that are built on top of Resolvable or implement ResolvableExt trait.

To Do