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A simple Nodejs BOT for whatsapp web

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Supported Platforms

Following platforms are supported by Wbot:

macOS: The minimum version supported is macOS 10.9.

Windows: Windows 7 and later are supported.


How to start the BOT?


After downloading, extract the zip file and open the bot.json file and in the third line change the value of "headless" from true to false. Now, navigate to the location of the WBOT folder in your terminal. There will be a file named wbot-* . Run it and you should be good to go.

For Linux you need to provide executable permission before you execute the binary. Run the command -

chmod +x wbot-linux && wbot-linux

Note: On Linux you need a running display server (X11 or Wayland). If you run Linux on a headless server or want to run chmomium without visible display try xvfb-run wbot-linux.

I haven't tested Mac and Linux binaries. If you find any issues using them feel free to raise one from here


Basic configuration is in bot.json file like replying to Hi, hello and happy birthday. You can change this config file as per your need. Keep in mind that you need to restart the wbot to see the effects of your changes. Make sure the JSON is valid. Use VSCode or jsonlint to validate the JSON.



This is where all the application related (node application behavior and such things) config will stay. Will add more in future.

└── WBOT  /
    ├── bot.json
    ├── github-two.png
    ├── github.png
    ├── wbot-win.exe
    └── injection/
        ├── index.js
        └── utils.js

then you need to set the value of this property as ./injection


An array of objects. Properties of Object are self explanatory.


Array of numbers with county code to which this bot will not reply to.


If not empty, only messages from numbers in this list will be replied to.


Default reply message or spintax when no exact match found in WBOT

smartreply (This feature is under maintenance at the moment.)

An object which contains suggestions and it's configs.

here is how that looks

smart reply gif

Run the latest code from Github

This is only recommended for advanced 'node.js' users or for development purpose.

Open a Terminal and create a new directory in your home directory, e.g. 'node' and goto there. Now download and run the latest code from github by:

git clone https://github.com/vasani-arpit/WBOT.git
npm install
node src/index.js

If you run Linux on a headless server or want to run chromium without visible display try xvfb-run wbot-linux.

Known bugs

Sometimes, closing the node server directly does not clear browser cache. Next time when the bot is started, it runs into errors due to which smart reply is not setup correctly. A temporary fix to this is to clear node cache.

npm cache clean

💻 Technologies


The main reason I decided to build this is that I needed a simple tool to reply to my "happy birthday" messages. I know it is kind of blunt and rude but it would take me 2-3 days to reply to all and by that time that moment would be gone. I needed a good solution to this problem. I really don't need a full-fledged AI-BOT or BOT with NLU (or some other acronym). I believe there are many people who also have such needs.


With that in mind, I know that WBOT would need to satisfy these criteria:

If you think WBOT delivers these, let me know by putting a star ⭐ on this project


If you want to run wbot 24x7 then running your computer on for 24x7 is not a good idea. You can host it on linux cloud. You can use something like Digital Ocean. Instructions on how to do that is avalible at below image link.

Deploy to DO


📃 Legal

This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by WhatsApp or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial software. Use at your own risk. Commercial use of this code/repo is strictly prohibited.

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