

What is wine-wayland

Wine-wayland allows running DX9/DX11/DX12 and Vulkan games using pure Wayland and Wine/DXVK.

Why wine-wayland


screenshot screenshot1 screenshot2


Installation with wineland

From v6.11, it's possible to install only the wineland launcher, without installing wine-wayland. The launcher will then download wine-wayland, dxvk and mangohud from Github and run games without system-wide installation of wine-wayland.

You can download the wineland launcher package from https://github.com/varmd/wine-wayland/releases. This version is automatically built via Github Actions. cd to download folder and install. After installation, refer to the section below on how to configure games for the wineland launcher.

pacman -U wineland*pkg*


You can download the 64-bit only archlinux package from https://github.com/varmd/wine-wayland/releases. This version is automatically built via Github Actions. cd to download folder and install

pacman -U wine-wayland*pkg*

Download of 32-bit (optional, for 32-bit games)

You can download the optional 32-bit version from https://github.com/varmd/wine-wayland/releases. It is automatically built via Github Actions. Download both the 64-bit and 32-bit archlinux packages, cd to download folder and install

pacman -U *wine-wayland*pkg*


download or clone from github, cd to zip directory

pacman -U wine-wayland*pkg*

Compile 32-bit add-on (optional, for 32-bit games)

In wine-wayland directory

WINE_BUILD_32=1 makepkg
pacman -U *wine-wayland*pkg*

Using wineland launcher to run games

From command line (or using file manager) create a wrapper folder for the game folder and DXVK, wine, logs, etc.

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/wineland/your-game
mv YourGameFolder ~/.local/share/wineland/your-game/

"your-game" above should be lowercase, no spaces tag. For example, for Subnautica it would be subnautica. Then go to your launcher, click on the blue joystick icon. In the browser tab, click Edit below the card for your-game. Enter name for your game, YourGameFolder/game.exe for exe path. And -EpicPortal for game options (for EGS games). Set mangohud, fsync and other options as needed. See below screenshot for example of options for Subnautica.


Click Submit. Then click Launch.

You can obtain YourGameFolder from EGS, Steam or GOG. See the notes section below for links to command line downloaders and tools for these services.

For troubleshooting check the logs at your-game/log.log

Using terminal to run games with wineland launcher

After setting up your game with the steps above, you can run your games from the terminal.

wineland your-game

Using wineland to setup portable game installtion

First uninstall wine-wayland and lib32-wine-wayland packages if installed, then setup and run your game using wineland. Afterwards, you can uninstall wineland and wine-wayland and run the game by going to the wrapper folder and running start-portable.sh. For example for Subnautica cd ~/.local/share/wineland/subnautica and sh start-portable.sh

Using terminal to run games without wineland launcher

cd your-dir
mkdir -p prefix/your-game
cp -r YourGameFolder prefix/your-game/

Copy relevant 64-bit or 32-bit dxvk dlls to YourGameFolder or use winetricks.

Copy start-example.sh to your-dir and modify it for your-game, change your-game and YourGameFolder at the top of the file.

Rename start-example.sh to start-your-game.sh

Then in the terminal run sh start-your-game.sh

Environment variables when running games without the wineland launcher

Keyboard shortcuts


Caveats and issues

Games confirmed working


Release 9.3

Release 8.1

Release 7.21