

Variational Attention

Implentation of 'Variational Attention for Sequence to Sequence Models' in tensorflow.


This package consists of 3 models, each of which have been organized into separate folders:

  1. Deterministic encoder-decoder with deterministic attention (ded_detAttn)
  2. Variational encoder-decoder with deterministic attention (ved_detAttn)
  3. Variational encoder-decoder with variational attention (ved_varAttn)


The proposed model and baselines have been evaluated on two experiments:

  1. Neural Question Generation with the SQuAD dataset
  2. Conversation Systems with the Cornell Movie Dialogue dataset

The data has been preprocessed and the train-val-test split is provided in the data/ directory.



  1. Generate word2vec, required for initializing word embeddings, specifying the dataset:
python w2v_generator.py --dataset qgen 
  1. Train the desired model, set configurations in the model_config.py file. For example,
cd ved_varAttn
vim model_config.py # Make necessary edits
python train.py
  1. Evaluate performance of the trained model. Refer to predict.ipynb to load desired checkpoint, calculate performance metrics (BLEU and diversity score) on the test set, and generate sample outputs.