GoLite Transpiler 💻
<p align="center"> <img src="banner.jpg" width="700" /> </p>This project is a transpiler that converts goLite (A strict subset of golang) source code into C++ source code.
The transpiler is written in OCaml and the parser was built using Ocamllex (which comes with the OCaml distribution) and Menhir (A scanner generator similar to bison which is compatible with C)
GoLite specification 🚀
All supported features for the goLite language are described here
The simple binary search goLite program
package main
type l [10]int;
func bin_search(array l, start, end, target int) int {
if start > end {
return -1;
var mid = (end + start)/2;
if array[mid] == target {
return mid;
} else if array[mid] > target {
return bin_search(array, start, mid - 1, target);
} else {
return bin_search(array, mid + 1, end, target);
func main() {
var glist l
glist[0] = 0
glist[1] = 3
glist[2] = 3
glist[3] = 8
glist[4] = 9
glist[5] = 10
glist[6] = 13
glist[7] = 14
glist[8] = 18
glist[9] = 19
println(bin_search(glist, 0, 9, 13))
Is transpiled to
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
int bin_search(std::array<int, 10> &array, int start, int end, int target);
int main();
int bin_search(std::array<int, 10> &array, int start, int end, int target) {
if ((start > end)) {
return (-1);
int mid = ((end + start) / 2);
if ((array[mid] == target)) {
return mid;
else {
if ((array[mid] > target)) {
return bin_search(array, start, (mid - 1), target);
else {
return bin_search(array, (mid + 1), end, target);
int main() {
std::array<int, 10> glist;
glist[0] = 0;
glist[1] = 3;
glist[2] = 3;
glist[3] = 8;
glist[4] = 9;
glist[5] = 10;
glist[6] = 13;
glist[7] = 14;
glist[8] = 18;
glist[9] = 19;
std::cout << bin_search(glist, 0, 9, 13) << std::endl;
More complicated example can be found here
How to run it! 🏃
1. Clone the repo
$ git clone
2. Install OCaml
$ sudo apt install ocaml
3. Install opam (to install the testing package)
$ add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ppa
$ sudo apt install opam
$ opam init
4. Install ounit (for tests)
$ opam install ounit2
5. Run all tests (Hopefully they pass 😟)
$ make test
6. Compile the transpiler
$ make
7. Transpile a goLite file (Insert the filepath of the goLite file you want to transpile into <goLite_file>.go
$ ./goLite_transpiler <goLite_file>.go
- If there are syntax or type errors a message will be displayed.
- If everything was fine, a file
which contains the translated program will be generated.
8. Compile and run the C++ file (if you want)
$ g++ <goLite_file>.cpp -o <goLite_file>.out <goLite_file>.cpp
$ ./<goLite_file>.out
9. Clean up the repo (deletes all build files and generated transpiled files)
$ make clean