

This project is ticket seller application in microservice architecture, including 40+ microservices

Supported Cluster Orchestration

Local runtime environment

Deploy Train Ticket with docker-compose

SetUp steps

you just need one machine and installed with git, jdk1.8, maven, docker and docker-compose

Access the Train Ticket System in Browser

The Step of Buy Ticket

(1) While access the main interface, Input the start city ,destination city, date and train type , And then click "search" button,
    you will get the tickets list , which is like the picture above.
(2) After select trip and seat type, Click "Booking" button, then it will show login dialog( or you can login before)
    Just follow that step to login

client_login (3) After login succeed, it will continue with the previous step, in this step, you must choose or add one Contacts, And decide whether you need Assurance ,food , or consign, than you can click "Select" button.
select_contact (4) After select,it will pop up a dialog for you to check whether the order information is correct, if so, then you can click "submit" button to submit you reservation
confirm_ticket (5) The last step is to go to the Order List to find the ticket you reserver before, and click the "Pay" button, waitting for success, than the buy ticket flow is over. pay_ticket (6)Also you can modify you order information modify_ticket (7) If you want search by different conditions such as quickest, cheapest and so on, you can use advanced search function advanced_search

Admin panel

Deploy Train Ticket with k8s

About Test Case

Clustering runtime environment(docker swarm):


mvn clean package

docker-compose build

docker-compose up

docker swarm init --advertise-addr with your ip)

docker swarm join-token manager

docker swarm join-token worker

app tag:

docker tag ts/ts-ui-dashboard with your ip):5555/cluster-ts-ui-dashboard

app local registry:

docker push with your ip):5555/cluster-ts-ui-dashboard

deploy app (docker swarm):

docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose-swarm.yml my-compose-swarm


docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name=portainer-ui-local -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock portainer/portainer with your ip):9000