

Order fulfillment sample application demonstrating concepts in the context of DDD and Microservices.

This sample application shows how to implement

in the context of



Flowing retail simulates a very easy order fulfillment system. The business logic is separated into the following services (shown as context map):


Concrete technologies/frameworks:


This results in the following architecture:


Communication of services

The services have to collaborate in order to implement the overall business capability of order fulfillment. There are many possibilities to communicate, this example focues on:

Events and Commands

Potentially long running services and distributed orchestration

Typically long running services allow for a better service API. For example Payment might clear problems with the credit card handling itself, which could even involve to ask the customer to add a new credit card in case his is expired. So the service might have to wait for days or weeks, making it long running. This requires to handle state, that's why a state machine like Camunda is used.

An important thought is, that this state machine (or workflow engine in this case) is a library used within one service. It runs embedded within the Spring Boot application, and if different services need this, they run engines on their own. It is an autonomous team decision if they want to use some framework and which one:

Events and Commands

Run the application

mvn install
kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic flowing-retail
kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
mvn -f checkout exec:java

You can also import the projects into your favorite IDE and start the following class yourself:
