

DeepCell Kiosk Banner

Build Status Coverage Status Modified Apache 2.0

kiosk-tf-serving uses TensorFlow Serving to serve deep learning models over gRPC and REST APIs. A configuration file can be automatically created using python write_config_file.py to allow any model found in a (AWS or GCS) storage bucket to be served.

TensorFlow serving will host all versions of all models in the bucket via RPC and REST APIs.

This repository is part of the DeepCell Kiosk. More information about the Kiosk project is available through Read the Docs and our FAQ page.


Build the docker image by running

docker build --pull -t $(whoami)/kiosk-tf-serving -f docker/Dockerfile.server .

Run the docker image by running

# write the configuration files for a given bucket
python write_config_model.py --storage-bucket=$STORAGE_BUCKET

# mount the config files and run the image
docker run --gpus=1 -it \
    -v $PWD:/config \
    -e PORT=8500 \
    -e REST_API_PORT=8501 \
    -p 8500:8500 \
    -p 8501:8501 \


The kiosk-tf-serving can be configured using environmental variables in a .env file.

NameDescriptionDefault Value
STORAGE_BUCKETREQUIRED: Cloud storage bucket address (e.g. "gs://bucket-name").""
PORTPort to listen on for gRPC API.8500
REST_API_PORTPort to listen on for HTTP/REST API.8501
REST_API_TIMEOUTTimeout in ms for HTTP/REST API calls.30000
GRPC_CHANNEL_ARGSOptional channel args for the gRPC API.""
MODEL_PREFIXPrefix of model directory in the cloud storage bucket."/models"
MODEL_CONFIG_FILEPath of the model configuration file written by write_config_file.py."/kiosk/tf-serving/models.conf"
ENABLE_BATCHINGWhether to enable batching in TensorFlow Serving.true
MAX_BATCH_SIZEMaximum number of items in a batch.1
MAX_ENQUEUED_BATCHESNumber of jobs to keep in queue to be processed. Jobs may take a long time if this value is too high.128
BATCH_TIMEOUT_MICROSThe maximum amount of time in ms to wait before executing a batch.0
BATCHING_CONFIG_FILEPath of the batching configuration file created by write_config_file.py."/kiosk/tf-serving/batching_config.txt"
PROMETHEUS_MONITORING_ENABLEDIf true, a monitoring configuration file is written.true
PROMETHEUS_MONITORING_PATHPrometheus scraping endpoint used if PROMETHEUS_MONITORING_ENABLED."/monitoring/prometheus/metrics"
MONITORING_CONFIG_FILEPath of the monitoring configuration file created by write_config_file.py."/kiosk/tf-serving/monitoring_config.txt"
TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVELThe log level of TensorFlow Serving.0


We welcome contributions to the kiosk-console and its associated projects. If you are interested, please refer to our Developer Documentation, Code of Conduct and Contributing Guidelines.


This software is license under a modified Apache-2.0 license. See LICENSE for full details.


Copyright © 2018-2022 The Van Valen Lab at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), with support from the Paul Allen Family Foundation, Google, & National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Grant U24CA224309-01. All rights reserved.