

DeepCell Kiosk Banner

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The DeepCell Kiosk uses Redis to implement a reliable queue, which moves items from the work queue into processing queues to prevent any items from falling out of the queue. The kiosk-redis-janitor watches the processing queues and moves any invalid processing items back to the work queue. This ensures that no work items end up in stranded processing queues and all work is finished in a timely fashion.

This repository is part of the DeepCell Kiosk. More information about the Kiosk project is available through Read the Docs and our FAQ page.


The janitor is configured using environment variables. Please find a table of all environment variables and their descriptions below.

NameDescriptionDefault Value
INTERVALHow frequently the Janitor checks for stale items, in seconds.20
QUEUESA QUEUE_DELIMITER separated list of work queues to monitor."predict"
QUEUE_DELIMITERA string used to separate a list of queue names in QUEUES.","
REDIS_HOSTThe IP address or hostname of Redis."redis-master"
REDIS_PORTThe port used to connect to Redis.6379
STALE_TIMEThe time after which a job is "stale", in seconds.600


We welcome contributions to the kiosk-console and its associated projects. If you are interested, please refer to our Developer Documentation, Code of Conduct and Contributing Guidelines.


This software is license under a modified Apache-2.0 license. See LICENSE for full details.


Copyright © 2018-2021 The Van Valen Lab at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), with support from the Paul Allen Family Foundation, Google, & National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Grant U24CA224309-01. All rights reserved.