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Phenomenon is a very small, low-level WebGL library that provides the essentials to deliver a high performance experience. Its core functionality is built around the idea of moving millions of particles around using the power of the GPU.


Want to see some magic right away? Have a look <a href="https://codepen.io/collection/AOpMrm/">here</a>!


$ npm install --save phenomenon


// Import the library
import Phenomenon from 'phenomenon';

// Create a renderer
const phenomenon = new Phenomenon(options);

// Add an instance
phenomenon.add("particles", options);

For a better understanding of how to use the library, read along or have a look at the demo!



Returns an instance of Phenomenon.

Throughout this documentation we'll refer to an instance of this as renderer.


Type: HTMLElement <br/> Default: document.querySelector('canvas') <br/>

The element where the scene, with all of its instances, will be rendered to. The provided element has to be <canvas> otherwise it won't work.


Type: Object<br/> Default: {}<br/>

Overrides that are used when getting the WebGL context from the canvas. The library overrides two settings by default.

AlphafalseSetting this property to true will result in the canvas having a transparent background. By default clearColor is used instead.
AntialiasfalseSetting this property to true will make the edges sharper, but could negatively impact performance. See for yourself if it's worth it!

Read more about all the possible overrides on <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement/getContext">MDN</a>.


Type: String <br/> Default: webgl

The context identifier defining the drawing context associated to the canvas. For WebGL 2.0 use webgl2.


Type: Object<br/> Default: {}<br/>

Overrides that can be used to alter the behaviour of the experience.

devicePixelRationumber1The resolution multiplier by which the scene is rendered relative to the canvas' resolution. Use window.devicePixelRatio for the highest possible quality, 1 for the best performance.
clearColorarray[1,1,1,1]The color in rgba that is used as the background of the scene.
cliparray[0.001, 100]The near and far clip plane in 3D space.
positionnumber{x:0,y:0,z:2}The distance in 3D space between the center of the scene and the camera.
shouldRenderbooleantrueA boolean indicating whether the scene should start rendering automatically.
uniformsobject{}Shared values between all instances that can be updated at any given moment. By default this feature is used to render all the instances with the same uProjectionMatrix, uModelMatrix and uViewMatrix. It's also useful for moving everything around with the same progress value; uProgress.
onSetup(gl)functionundefinedA setup hook that is called before first render which can be used for gl context changes.
onRender(renderer)functionundefinedA render hook that is invoked after every rendered frame. Use this to update renderer.uniforms.
debugbooleanfalseWhether or not the console should log shader compilation warnings.


Update all values that are based on the dimensions of the canvas to make it look good on all screen sizes.


Toggle the rendering state of the scene. When shouldRender is false requestAnimationFrame is disabled so no resources are used.


Type: Boolean <br/> Default: undefined <br/>

An optional boolean to set the rendering state to a specific value. Leaving this value empty will result in a regular boolean switch.

.add(key, settings)

This function is used to add instances to the renderer. These instances can be as simple or complex as you'd like them to be. There's no limit to how many of these you can add. Make sure they all have a different key!


Type: String<br/> Default: undefined<br/>

Every instance should have a unique name. This name can also be used to destroy the instance specifically later.


Type: Object<br/> Default: {}<br/>

An object containing overrides for parameters that are used when getting the WebGL context from the canvas.

attributesarray[]Values used in the program that are stored once, directly on the GPU.
uniformsobject{}Values used in the program that can be updated on the fly.
vertexstring-The vertex shader is used to position the geometry in 3D space.
fragmentstring-The fragment shader is used to provide the geometry with color or texture.
multipliernumber1The amount of duplicates that will be created for the same instance.
modenumber0The way the instance will be rendered. Particles = 0, triangles = 4.
geometryobject{}Vertices (and optional normals) of a model.
modifiersobject{}Modifiers to alter the attributes data on initialize.
onRenderfunctionundefinedA render hook that is invoked after every rendered frame.

Note: Less instances with a higher multiplier will be faster than more instances with a lower multiplier!


Remove an instance from the scene (and from memory) by its key.


Remove all instances and the renderer itself. The canvas element will remain in the DOM.


Dynamically override an attribute with the same logic that is used during initial creation of the instance. The function requires an object with a name, size and data attribute.

Note: The calculation of the data function is done on the CPU. Be sure to check for dropped frames with a lot of particles.

Attributes can also be switched. In the demo this is used to continue with a new start position identical to the end position. This can be achieved with .prepareBuffer(attribute) in which the data function is replaced with the final array.


  1. <a href="https://codepen.io/cvaneenige/full/odpVPW">Particles</a>
  2. <a href="https://codepen.io/cvaneenige/full/GdGpaN">Types</a>
  3. <a href="https://codepen.io/cvaneenige/full/Lmrzmd">Transition</a>
  4. <a href="https://codepen.io/cvaneenige/full/zjaydg">Easing</a>
  5. <a href="https://codepen.io/cvaneenige/full/wjXVgr">Shapes</a>
  6. <a href="https://codepen.io/cvaneenige/full/MGBZpB">Instances</a>
  7. <a href="https://codepen.io/cvaneenige/full/LmXWeM">Movement</a>
  8. <a href="https://codepen.io/cvaneenige/full/QBwbEY">Particle cube</a>
  9. <a href="https://codepen.io/cvaneenige/full/ajNjaN">Dynamic intances</a>


Are you excited about this library and have interesting ideas on how to improve it? Please tell me or contribute directly! 🙌

npm install > npm start > http://localhost:8080


MIT © <a href="https://use-the-platform.com">Colin van Eenige</a>