

Image-to-Lidar Self-Supervised Distillation for Autonomous Driving Data

Official PyTorch implementation of the method SLidR. More details can be found in the paper:

Image-to-Lidar Self-Supervised Distillation for Autonomous Driving Data, CVPR 2022 [arXiv] by Corentin Sautier, Gilles Puy, Spyros Gidaris, Alexandre Boulch, Andrei Bursuc, and Renaud Marlet

Overview of the method

If you use SLidR in your research, please consider citing:

    author    = {Sautier, Corentin and Puy, Gilles and Gidaris, Spyros and Boulch, Alexandre and Bursuc, Andrei and Marlet, Renaud},
    title     = {Image-to-Lidar Self-Supervised Distillation for Autonomous Driving Data},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2022},
    pages     = {9891-9901}


Please install the required required packages. Some libraries used in this project, including MinkowskiEngine and Pytorch-lightning are known to have a different behavior when using a different version; please use the exact versions specified in requirements.txt.


The code provided is compatible with nuScenes and semantic KITTI. Put the datasets you intend to use in the datasets folder (a symbolic link is accepted).

Pre-trained models

Minkowski SR-UNet

SR-UNet pre-trained on nuScenes

SPconv VoxelNet

VoxelNet pre-trained on nuScenes

PV-RCNN finetuned on KITTI

Reproducing the results

Pre-computing the superpixels (required)

Before launching the pre-training, you first need to compute all superpixels on nuScenes, this can take several hours. You can either compute superpixels for the Minkowski SR-UNet (minkunet) or the voxelnet backbones. The first is adapted for semantic segmentation and the second for object detection.

python superpixel_segmenter.py --model minkunet

Pre-training a 3D backbone

To launch a pre-training of the Minkowski SR-UNet (minkunet) on nuScenes:

python pretrain.py --cfg config/slidr_minkunet.yaml

You can alternatively replace minkunet with voxelnet to pre-train a PV-RCNN backbone.
Weights of the pre-training can be found in the output folder, and can be re-used during a downstream task. If you wish to use multiple GPUs, please scale the learning rate and batch size accordingly.

Semantic segmentation

To launch a semantic segmentation, use the following command:

python downstream.py --cfg_file="config/semseg_nuscenes.yaml" --pretraining_path="output/pretrain/[...]/model.pt"

with the previously obtained weights, and any config file. The default config will perform a finetuning on 1% of nuScenes' training set, with the learning rates optimized for the provided pre-training.

To re-evaluate the score of any downstream network, run:

python evaluate.py --resume_path="output/downstream/[...]/model.pt" --dataset="nuscenes"

If you wish to reevaluate the linear probing, the experiments in the paper were obtained with lr=0.05, lr_head=null and freeze_layers=True.

Object detection

All experiments for object detection have been done using OpenPCDet.

Published results

All results are obtained with a pre-training on nuScenes.

Few-shot semantic segmentation

Results on the validation set using Minkowski SR-Unet:

MethodnuScenes<br />lin. probingnuScenes<br />Finetuning with 1% dataKITTI<br />Finetuning with 1% data
Random init.8.130.339.5

Semantic Segmentation on nuScenes

Results on the validation set using Minkowski SR-Unet with a fraction of the training labels:

Random init.30.347.756.664.874.2

Object detection on KITTI

Results on the validation set using Minkowski SR-Unet with a fraction of the training labels (we modify the PointRCNN model by replacing the PointNet++ backbone with our pre-trained backbone):

Random init.

Unpublished preliminary results

All results are obtained with a pre-training on nuScenes.

Results on the validation set using PV-RCNN:

Random init.84.557.971.371.3

*STRL has been pre-trained on KITTI, while SLidR and PPKT were pre-trained on nuScenes

Results on the validation set using SECOND:

Random init.81.550.966.566.3

*As reimplemented in ONCE


For visualization you need a pre-training containing both 2D & 3D models. We provide the raw SR-UNet & ResNet50 pre-trained on nuScenes. The image part of the pre-trained weights are identical for almost all layers to those of MoCov2 (He et al.)

The visualization code allows to assess the similarities between points and pixels, as shown in the article.


Part of the codebase has been adapted from PointContrast. Computation of the lovasz loss used in semantic segmentation follows the code of PolarNet.


SLidR is released under the Apache 2.0 license.