

FLOT: Scene Flow on Point Clouds guided by Optimal Transport

FLOT: Scene Flow on Point Clouds guided by Optimal Transport
Gilles Puy<sup>1</sup>, Alexandre Boulch<sup>1</sup>, Renaud Marlet<sup>1,2</sup>
<sup>1</sup>valeo.ai, France and <sup>2</sup>ENPC, France

If you find this code or work useful, please cite our paper:

  title={{FLOT}: {S}cene {F}low on {P}oint {C}louds {G}uided by {O}ptimal {T}ransport},
  author={Puy, Gilles and Boulch, Alexandre and Marlet, Renaud},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision}




You can create a conda environment for FLOT by typing:

$ conda create --name FLOT
$ conda activate FLOT
$ conda install python=3.7 tqdm tensorboard
$ conda install pytorch=1.3.1 cuda100 torchvision -c pytorch


  1. Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/valeoai/FLOT.git
  1. Install the repository:
$ pip install -e ./FLOT

You can edit flot's code on the fly and import function and classes of flot in other project as well.

$ pip uninstall flot


By default, the datasets are stored in /path/to/flot/data. The datasets are prepared using FlyingThing3D and the KITTI scene flow dataset. There are two different ways to prepare the datasets.

  1. FlowNet3d's version: Please download the datasets available here to obtain the FlyingThings3D and KITTI datasets used in this paper. These datasets are denoted FT3D<sub>o</sub> and KITTI<sub>o</sub> in our paper. After downloading the datasets, move them in

Instead of moving the datasets, you can also create a link between the actual dataset location and the folder /path/to/flot/data/flownet3d/:

$ ln -s /path/to/dataset/on/your/sytem /path/to/flot/data/flownet3d/

The directory /path/to/flot/data/flownet3d/ should have the following sub-directories:

/path/to/flot/data/flownet3d/data_processed_maxcut_35_20k_2k_8192   % FlyingThings3D dataset
/path/to/flot/data/flownet3d/kitti_rm_ground                        % KITTI dataset
  1. HPLFlowNet's version: Please follow the instructions given here to construct the FlyingThings3D and KITTI datasets used in this paper. These datasets are denoted FT3D<sub>s</sub> and KITTI<sub>s</sub> in our paper. After preparation, move the datasets in

Instead of moving the datasets, you can also create a link between the actual dataset location and the folder /path/to/flot/data/HPLFlowNet/:

$ ln -s /path/to/dataset/on/your/sytem /path/to/flot/data/HPLFlowNet/

The directory /path/to/flot/data/HPLFlowNet/ should have the following sub-directories:

/path/to/flot/data/HPLFlowNet/FlyingThings3D_subset_processed_35m   % FlyingThings3D dataset
/path/to/flot/data/HPLFlowNet/KITTI_processed_occ_final             % KITTI dataset         

Running the code


$ cd /path/to/flot/scripts/
$ python val_test.py

This evaluates the model trained on FT3D<sub>o</sub> and 2048 points available at /path/to/flot/pretrained_models/model_2048.tar on KITTI<sub>o</sub>.

For help on how to use this script, type:

$ cd /path/to/flot/scripts/
$ python val_test.py --help
  1. FlowNet3d's datasets. A model trained on FT3D<sub>o</sub> and 2048 points (Sec. 4.5 in our paper) is available at /path/to/flot/pretrained_models/model_2048.tar.

To evaluate this pre-trained model on KITTI<sub>o</sub>, type:

$ cd /path/to/flot/scripts/
$ python val_test.py --dataset flownet3D_kitti --test --nb_points 2048 --path2ckpt ../pretrained_models/model_2048.tar

To evaluate this pre-trained model on the test set of FT3D<sub>o</sub>, type:

$ cd /path/to/flot/scripts/
$ python val_test.py --dataset flownet3D_ft3d --test --nb_points 2048 --path2ckpt ../pretrained_models/model_2048.tar
  1. HPLFlowNet's datasets. A model trained on FT3D<sub>s</sub> and 8192 points (Sec. 4.5 in our paper) is available at /path/to/flot/pretrained_models/model_8192.tar.

To evaluate this pretrained model on KITTI<sub>s</sub>, type:

$ cd /path/to/flot/scripts/
$ python val_test.py --dataset HPLFlowNet_kitti --test --nb_points 8192 --path2ckpt ../pretrained_models/model_8192.tar

To evaluate this pre-trained model on the test set of FT3D<sub>s</sub>, type:

$ cd /path/to/flot/scripts/
$ python val_test.py --dataset HPLFlowNet_ft3d --test --nb_points 8192 --path2ckpt ../pretrained_models/model_8192.tar


By default, the model and tensorboard's logs are stored in /path/to/flot/experiments. A script to train a flot model is available in /path/to/flot/train.py. For help on how to use this script, please type:

$ cd /path/to/flot/scripts/
$ python train.py --help
  1. FlowNet3d's datasets. To train FLOT on the FlowNet3D's version of FlyingThing3D on 2048 points as in Sec. 4.5 of our paper, type:
$ cd /path/to/flot/
$ python train.py --nb_iter 1 --dataset flownet3d --nb_points 2048 --batch_size 4 --nb_epochs 400

These 400 epochs on 2048 points takes about 4 days to complete on a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti.

  1. HPLFlowNet's datasets. To train FLOT on the HPLFlownet's version of FlyingThing3D on 8192 points as in Sec. 4.4 of our paper, type:
$ cd /path/to/flot/
$ python train.py --nb_iter 1 --dataset HPLFlowNet --nb_points 8192 --batch_size 1 --nb_epochs 60

These 40 epochs on 8192 points takes about 6 days to complete on a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti.

Using your own dataset

It is possible to train FLOT on you own dataset by creating a new dataloader that inherits from flot.datasets.generic.SceneFlowDataset.

Your new dataloader's class then needs to implement the function load_sequence(self, idx) that loads the idx example of the dataset. Please refer to the documentation of flot.datasets.generic.SceneFlowDataset.load_sequence for more information.

Examples of dataloaders are available in the directory datasets, see, e.g., flot.datasets.flyingthing3D_hplflownet.

Once your new dataloader is implemented, it can be used in the script train.py for training or in the val_test.py for evaluation by importing this new dataset in the function my_main.

Using FLOT

Import FLOT by typing

from flot.models import FLOT

FLOT's constructor accepts one argument: nb_iter, which is the number of unrolled iterations of the Sinkhorn algorithm. In our experiments, we tested 1, 3, and 5 iterations. For example:

flot = FLOT(nb_iter=3)

The simpler model FLOT<sub>0</sub> is obtained by setting nb_iter=0. In this case, the OT module is equivalent to an attention layer.

flot_0 = FLOT(nb_iter=0)

Input point clouds pc1 and pc2 can be passed to flot to estimate the flow from pc1 to pc2 as follows:

scene_flow = flot([pc1, pc2])

The input point clouds pc1 and pc2 must be torch tensors of size batch_size x nb_points x 3.

Making the current implementation faster


FLOT is released under the Apache 2.0 license.