

Vala Language Server

This is a language server for the Vala programming language.


We recommend using VSCode with the Vala plugin.

...and more. See below:

Packaging status

VLS with VSCode VLS with Vim with coc.nvim and vista plugins VLS with GNOME Builder

Table of Contents



Install dependencies with Guix

If you're using Guix, to launch a shell with build dependencies satisfied:

guix environment vala-language-server

Building from Source

meson -Dprefix=/usr build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install

This will install vala-language-server to /usr/bin


An important note: VLS cannot know what arguments are used for the file you are editing unless it can locate a build script, compile commands list, or shebang to analyze. (This is generally true for most language servers of compiled languages.) Before making an issue, check whether you have a build script or shebang for your file.

vim and neovim


  1. Make sure coc.nvim is installed.
  2. After successful installation, in Vim run :CocConfig and add a new entry for VLS to the languageserver property like below:
    "languageserver": {
        "vala": {
            "command": "vala-language-server",
            "filetypes": ["vala", "genie"]


  1. Make sure vim-lsp is installed
  2. Add the following to your .vimrc:
if executable('vala-language-server')
  au User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({
        \ 'name': 'vala-language-server',
        \ 'cmd': {server_info->[&shell, &shellcmdflag, 'vala-language-server']},
        \ 'whitelist': ['vala', 'genie'],
        \ })


require'lspconfig'.vala_ls.setup {
  -- defaults, no need to specify these
  cmd = { "vala-language-server" },
  filetypes = { "vala", "genie" },
  root_dir = root_pattern("meson.build", ".git"),
  single_file_support = true,

Visual Studio Code

GNOME Builder



Sublime Text

    "clients": {
        "vala-language-server": {
            "command": [
            "selector": "source.vala | source.genie",
            "enabled": true

Specifying dependencies

If you're using meson, vala-language-server will automatically detect the packages you depend on.

If you just want to write a quick script without a build system, you can add a shebang line to the top of your .vala file:

#!/usr/bin/env -S vala --pkg gtk4


Want to help out? Here are some helpful resources: