

Learnable Adaptive Margin Loss To Overcome Language Bias in Visual Question Answering

This repository contains the implementation of our model AdaArc-LM. This repository is built upon https://github.com/guoyang9/AdaVQA.

Almost all flags can be set at utils/config.py. The dataset paths, the hyperparams can be set accordingly in this file.

GPU used:

* One NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Tis

Memory required:

* 4GB approximately


* python==3.7.11
* nltk==3.7
* bcolz==1.2.1
* tqdm==4.62.3
* numpy==1.21.4  
* pytorch==1.10.2
* tensorboardX==2.4
* torchvision==0.11.3
* h5py==3.5.0


After downloading the datasets, keep them in the folders set by config.py


The preprocessing steps are as follows:

  1. process questions and dump dictionary:

    python tools/create_dictionary.py
  2. process answers and question types, and generate the frequency-based margins:

    python tools/compute_softscore.py
  3. convert image features to h5:

    python tools/detection_features_converter.py 

Model training instruction

    python main_arcface.py --name test-VQA --gpu 0

Model evaluation instruction

    python main_arcface.py --name test-VQA --eval-only

Running this code creates a new json file (eg. abc.json), which contains test question ids and the answers predicted by the model.

Category wise evaluation instruction

python acc_per_type.py abc.json

The argument name refers to the name of the file in which the model weights will be finally stored.

Results on AdaArc and AdaArc-LM evaluated on VQA-CP v2

ModelAccuracy in %
+ Randomization57.97
+Learnable margins59.87
+Supervised Conctrastive Loss60.41