

Learn X in Y Minutes, X = V

  1. Overview
  2. Contributing
  3. License

<a name="Overview"></a>


This is a series of short examples designed to demonstrate the syntax, data types, and conventions of the programming language V. This is a brief introduction that should allow one to delve into the more intricate topics to follow. After you've finished this tutorial, please feel free to visit the official V Documentation or check out other examples from the V Community.

Tested for V 0.2 <a name="Contributing"></a>


Thanks for your interest in helping with the project. Feel free to report issues and make pull requests. Keep in mind that the goal of this project is introduce the main concepts of the V Programming Language. It is not meant to be a comprehensive guide that covers all of V's features and ideas.

<a name="License"></a>


Currently, this project will be licensed under the MIT license. You can review the terms of license in the LICENSE file.