


A python application for VRChat players to receive discord notifications on their avatar via OSC


Table of Contents


Head over to the Releases page to get the latest release.



  1. Clone the repository

    git clone git@github.com:shadorki/vrc-osc-discord-band.git
    cd vrc-osc-discord-band
  2. Install Dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run

    python main.py
  4. Build a standalone executable

    This repository is setup with a Github action to compile the standalone executable. If you would like to compile it on your local machine you can read the action for the command via pyinstaller here.

Setting a different port number

In the same directory your executable is located in, create a file named vrc-discord-osc.config.json

In the file add the following contents, and change 9000 to the port you'd like to send your OSC data to.

  "port": 9000

If you did it properly the next time you run your application, the terminal window should state the port number you set.

Setting up your avatar

If this your first time working with OSC head over to the VRChat docs to learn more.

This doc assumes you have a Unity Package with an avatar already set up to be published to VRChat along with some knowledge of how to use Unity.

  1. Head over to the releases page and download the unity package from the latest release.

  2. Open your Unity Project with your avatar.

  3. Download the Poiyomi Shader and import it into your project: https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases

  4. Import the unity package from the latest release.

  5. If the materials in Assets/OSC Bracelet/MAT are purple, set them all to Poiyomi and the settings should transfer

  6. Place the prefab in your scene

  7. Move the prefab into your armature as a child of your lower left arm bone and adjust it's scale/position to fit your avatar:

    <p align="center"> <img src="./img/screenshot-bone.png"> </p>
  8. In your tool bar click Shadoki > Discord Bracelet

    <p align="center"> <img src="./img/screenshot-unity-tool.png"> </p>
  9. Add the Discord Bracelet, Controllers, and Animations into the editor window and press Apply. Keep an eye in the debug console for possible errors.

    <p align="center"> <img src="./img/screenshot-bracelet-tool.png"> </p>
  10. Your new FX layer should be present in OSC Bracelet/Animations. Drag and drop it into your avatar's FX Layer.

  11. If you are having trouble getting the OSC program to communicate with VRChat, checkout this troubleshooting doc that Wizard wrote for their TTS App: https://github.com/VRCWizard/TTS-Voice-Wizard/wiki/OSC-Troubleshooting

  12. Additionally, this program requires that you have Windows Notifications enabled for Discord to run properly. This should be enabled by default but if you are having trouble double check. Go to Windows Settings > System > Notifications. Make sure notifications are turned on at the top and make sure that notifications are turned on specifically for discord.

    <img width="845" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/101527472/213462490-2215bbd4-b673-4447-9fa2-4974e97fee0a.png">