


an attempt to prepare for the worst


What is shelter?

shelter is a new generation client mod built to be essentially bulletproof.

Its development was sparked by the death of many client mods and the blow to all others that was Discord's switch to SWC.

You can read much more about this event here.

It is developed by ex-members of the old Cumcord Team, under uwu.network.

What plugins has it got?

Its early days at the moment, but there are a couple.

Check the githubs of uwu members or search for shelter-plugins.

How do I install it?


🗁 resources/
 ├── 🗁 app/
 │    ├── 🗋 index.js
 │    ├── 🗋 preload.js
 │    └── 🗋 package.json
 └── 🗋 original.asar


An alternative desktop installation method is Kernel. The kernel package is in injectors/kernel, if you use this method I expect you to know how to install Kernel yourself. This is nice because you can run multiple mods at once.



Microsoft Edge


Chrome (Opera, Brave, etc.)

The MV3 extension got removed from the chrome store because it runs remotely hosted code (shelter and the plugins you download). As there's no easy way to comply with that policy we won't make our extension available on the chrome store. However, you can still install it manually:

How do I make a plugin?

See the docs

Is there a plugin repo / website / etc.?

Possibly not.

This is a somewhat smaller project right now than Cumcord was at the time of its death.

We are working on improving the ecosystem slowly but surely, much is in the works.

Keep an eye on the uwu gh org or our Discord server to see what we are working on, inside and outside of the client modding space. :)