

<p align="center"><a href="https://www.uvdesk.com/en/" target="_blank"> <img src="https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/cdn.uvdesk.com/uvdesk/bundles/webkuldefault/images/uvdesk-wide.svg"> </a></p>

UVDesk Community ECommerce Package

The eCommerce package is a free uvdesk community extension which brings various ecommerce related functionalities to your community helpdesk system.

This package allows integrators/developers to integrate any number of ecommerce stores across different platforms with your helpdesk system. Integrating with such ecommerce platforms enables support agents to seamlessly fetch order details and integrate it with tickets enabling them to provide support efficiently without them having to leave the helpdesk system.


To add this package to your helpdesk system, simply clone this package to the apps/uvdesk/ecommerce directory relative to your project's root.

Once you've copied the package to the specified directory, run the following command from your project's root:

$ php bin/console uvdesk_extensions:configure-extensions
$ php bin/console assets:install
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

These commands will automatically search and configure any available packages found within the apps directory. Once your packages have been configured successfully, they are ready for use.