


This repository contains Dockerfiles and Apptainer definition files for containers deployed on Rivanna, the high-performance computing cluster at the University of Virginia.


<pre> . ├── app1 │   ├── version1 │   │   ├── Dockerfile │   │   └── README.md │   └── version2 │   ├── Dockerfile │   └── README.md └── app2    └── version1    ├── Dockerfile    └── README.md </pre>

Each version should reside in its own directory with a README.md. Here is a suggested template:

<name of main app> <version> <any other important info>

<homepage of main app>

<any other apps/packages>

Usage on Rivanna:
module load apptainer
apptainer pull docker://uvarc/<app>:<tag>

Individual README.md files are used as the Docker Hub repository overview.

To contribute, please visit the wiki for instructions and tips.

Popular images

alphafoldMultistage build to reduce image sizeDocker Pulls
deeplabcutDeepLabCut with AniposeDocker Pulls
pytorchPyTorch with popular packages for Rivanna usersDocker Pulls
qiime2QIIME2 with proper clean upDocker Pulls
tensorflowTensorFlow with popular packages for Rivanna usersDocker Pulls


MIT license


R. Sun and K. Siller, HPC Container Management at the University of Virginia, PEARC '24: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2024: Human Powered Computing 73, 1 (2024). doi:10.1145/3626203.3670568