Uuid25: 25-digit case-insensitive UUID encoding
Uuid25 is an alternative UUID representation that shortens a UUID string to just 25 digits using the case-insensitive Base36 encoding. This library provides functionality to convert from the conventional UUID formats to Uuid25 and vice versa.
from uuid25 import Uuid25
# convert from/to string
a = Uuid25.parse("8da942a4-1fbe-4ca6-852c-95c473229c7d")
assert a.value == "8dx554y5rzerz1syhqsvsdw8t"
assert a.to_hyphenated() == "8da942a4-1fbe-4ca6-852c-95c473229c7d"
# convert from/to 128-bit byte array
b = Uuid25.from_bytes(bytes([0xFF] * 16))
assert b.value == "f5lxx1zz5pnorynqglhzmsp33"
assert all([x == 0xFF for x in b.to_bytes()])
# convert from/to other popular textual representations
c = [
assert all([x.value == "dpoadk8izg9y4tte7vy1xt94o" for x in c])
d = Uuid25.parse("dpoadk8izg9y4tte7vy1xt94o")
assert d.to_hex() == "e7a1d63b711744238988afcf12161878"
assert d.to_hyphenated() == "e7a1d63b-7117-4423-8988-afcf12161878"
assert d.to_braced() == "{e7a1d63b-7117-4423-8988-afcf12161878}"
assert d.to_urn() == "urn:uuid:e7a1d63b-7117-4423-8988-afcf12161878"
# convert from/to standard uuid module's UUID value
import uuid
uuid_module = uuid.UUID("f38a6b1f-576f-4c22-8d4a-5f72613483f6")
e = Uuid25.from_uuid(uuid_module)
assert e.value == "ef1zh7jc64vprqez41vbwe9km"
assert e.to_uuid() == uuid_module
# generate UUIDv4 in Uuid25 format (backed by uuid module)
import uuid25
print(uuid25.gen_v4()) # e.g., "99wfqtl0z0yevxzpl4hv2dm5p"
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