

CAT-Net: Learning Canonical Appearance Transformations

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/utiasSTARS/cat-net/master/pipeline.png" width="300px"/>

Code to accompany our paper "How to Train a CAT: Learning Canonical Appearance Transformations for Direct Visual Localization Under Illumination Change".


Training the CAT

  1. Download the ETHL dataset from here or the Virtual KITTI dataset from here
    1. ETHL only: rename ethl1/2 to ethl1/2_static.
    2. ETHL only: Update the local paths in tools/make_ethl_real_sync.py and run python3 tools/make_ethl_real_sync.py to generate a synchronized copy of the real sequences.
  2. Update the local paths in run_cat_ethl/vkitti.py and run python3 run_cat_ethl/vkitti.py to start training.
  3. In another terminal run tensorboard --port [port] --logdir [path] to start the visualization server, where [port] should be replaced by a numeric value (e.g., 60006) and [path] should be replaced by your local results directory.
  4. Tune in to localhost:[port] and watch the action.

Running the localization experiments

  1. Ensure the pyslam and liegroups packages are installed.
  2. Update the local paths in make_localization_data.py and run python3 make_localization_data.py [dataset] to compile the model outputs into a localization_data directory.
  3. Update the local paths in run_localization_[dataset].py and run python3 run_localization_[dataset].py [rgb,cat] to compute VO and localization results using either the original RGB or CAT-transformed images.
  4. You can compute localization errors against ground truth using the compute_localization_errors.py script, which generates CSV files and several plots. Update the local paths and run python3 compute_localization_errors.py [dataset].
<!-- ## Pre-trained models Coming soon! -->


If you use this code in your research, please cite:

  author = {Lee Clement and Jonathan Kelly},
  journal = {{IEEE} Robotics and Automation Letters},
  link = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.03009},
  title = {How to Train a {CAT}: Learning Canonical Appearance Transformations for Direct Visual Localization Under Illumination Change},
  year = {2018}