


Physics-based CartPole and Quadrotor Gym environments (using PyBullet) with symbolic a priori dynamics (using CasADi) for learning-based control, and model-free and model-based reinforcement learning (RL).

These environments include (and evaluate) symbolic safety constraints and implement input, parameter, and dynamics disturbances to test the robustness and generalizability of control approaches. [PDF]

<img src="figures/problem_illustration.jpg" alt="problem illustration" width="800">
         title={Safe Learning in Robotics: From Learning-Based Control to Safe Reinforcement Learning},
         author={Lukas Brunke and Melissa Greeff and Adam W. Hall and Zhaocong Yuan and Siqi Zhou and Jacopo Panerati and Angela P. Schoellig},
         journal = {Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems},
         url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.06266}}

To reproduce the results in the article, see branch ar.

      title={safe-control-gym: a Unified Benchmark Suite for Safe Learning-based Control and Reinforcement Learning},
      author={Zhaocong Yuan and Adam W. Hall and Siqi Zhou and Lukas Brunke and Melissa Greeff and Jacopo Panerati and Angela P. Schoellig},

To reproduce the results in the article, see branch submission.

<!-- ![baselines](./figures/baselines.png) -->

Install on Ubuntu/macOS

Clone repo

git clone https://github.com/utiasDSL/safe-control-gym.git
cd safe-control-gym

(optional) Create a conda environment

Create and access a Python 3.10 environment using conda

conda create -n safe python=3.10
conda activate safe


Install the safe-control-gym repository

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install -e .


You may need to separately install gmp, a dependency of pycddlib:

conda install -c anaconda gmp


sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev


Overview of safe-control-gym's API:

<img src="figures/block.png" alt="block diagram" width="800">


<img src="figures/config.png" alt="config" width="800">

Getting Started

Familiarize with APIs and environments with the scripts in examples/

3D Quadrotor Lemniscate Trajectory Tracking with PID

cd ./examples/   # Navigate to the examples folder
python3 pid/pid_experiment.py \
    --algo pid \
    --task quadrotor \
    --overrides \

<img src="figures/systems.png" alt="systems" width="450"> <img src="figures/figure8.gif" alt="trajectory" width="350">

Cartpole Stabilization with LQR

cd ./examples/   # Navigate to the examples folder
python3 lqr/lqr_experiment.py \
    --algo lqr \
    --task cartpole \
    --overrides \
        ./lqr/config_overrides/cartpole/cartpole_stabilization.yaml \

2D Quadrotor Trajectory Tracking with PPO

cd ./examples/rl/   # Navigate to the RL examples folder
python3 rl_experiment.py \
    --algo ppo \
    --task quadrotor \
    --overrides \
        ./config_overrides/quadrotor_2D/quadrotor_2D_track.yaml \
        ./config_overrides/quadrotor_2D/ppo_quadrotor_2D.yaml \
    --kv_overrides \

Verbose API Example

cd ./examples/   # Navigate to the examples folder
python3 no_controller/verbose_api.py \
    --task cartpole \
    --overrides no_controller/verbose_api.yaml
<img src="figures/prints.png" al="prints" width="800">

List of Implemented Controllers

List of Implemented Safety Filters


We compare the sample efficiency of safe-control-gym with the original OpenAI Cartpole and PyBullet Gym's Inverted Pendulum, as well as gym-pybullet-drones. We choose the default physic simulation integration step of each project. We report performance results for open-loop, random action inputs. Note that the Bullet engine frequency reported for safe-control-gym is typically much finer grained for improved fidelity. safe-control-gym quadrotor environment is not as light-weight as gym-pybullet-drones but provides the same order of magnitude speed-up and several more safety features/symbolic models.

EnvironmentGUIControl Freq.PyBullet Freq.Constraints & Disturbances^Speed-Up^^
Gym cartpoleTrue50HzN/ANo1.16x

^ Whether the environment includes a default set of constraints and disturbances

^^ Speed-up = Elapsed Simulation Time / Elapsed Wall Clock Time; on a 2.30GHz Quad-Core i7-1068NG7 with 32GB 3733MHz LPDDR4X; no GPU

Run Tests and Linting

Tests can be run locally by executing:

python3 -m pytest ./tests/  # Run all tests

Linting can be run locally with:

pre-commit install  # Install the pre-commit hooks
pre-commit autoupdate  # Auto-update the version of the hooks
pre-commit run --all  # Run the hooks on all files


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