

Gitter CI/CD GitHub release (latest by date)

OSCAL Website Content Repository

This supports the Open Security Controls Assessment Language (OSCAL) Program through the Public NIST Website.

The OSCAL website provides an overview of the OSCAL project, including an XML and JSON schema reference, examples, and other resources.

If you are interested in contributing to the development of OSCAL, refer to the contributor guidance for more information.

To provide feedback, to ask questions, or to let us know about an OSCAL implementation you are working on, please email the NIST OSCAL team at oscal@nist.gov. You can also post publicly to the OSCAL development list: oscal-dev@list.nist.gov or create an issue on our GitHub repository.

Please find instructions for joining the OSCAL development and update lists on our contacts page.

If you have any questions about OSCAL in general or if you would like to get involved in the OSCAL project, please contact us at: oscal@nist.gov or on Gitter.

Using this Repository

Cloning from GitHub

Run the following Git command to clone the OSCAL-Pages repository, and you can begin editing content without any special setup.

git clone https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Pages.git

The website content in this repository is generated into the full website with Hugo. If you wish to run the website locally, you can either install hugo, or use Docker and docker-compose.

Using Hugo

In terminal:

hugo server -s ./src --enableGitInfo=false --verbose --debug --minify

Using Docker Compose

In terminal:

docker-compose up

You can use CTRL+C to stop the server.

How this Works

There is a nist-pages branch in OSCAL-Pages, but we are not using this since it will publish a site at https://pages.nist.gov/OSCAL-Pages. Since redirects are not supported, we cross push to the OSCAL repository directly.