

Async Key-based Reader Writer Lock with Cancellation Support

License: MIT NuGet

How to use it

//async lock
AsyncLock asyncLock = new AsyncLock();

//async lock with key
AsyncLock<string> asyncLock = new AsyncLock<string>();

//acquire reader lock
var d1 = await asyncLock.ReaderLockAsync("123");

//release reader lock

//set timeout
using CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

//acquire writer lock
using var d2 = await asyncLock.WriterLockAsync("123", cts.Token);

//use writer lock scope to interrupt long running reader lock
using (ReaderReleaser r1 = await asyncLock.ReaderLockAsync())
   //use reader lock

   if (..)
      r1.UseWriterLockAsync(async () => { /*use writer lock here*/ });

   //continue with reader lock