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conu is a library which makes it easy to write tests for your containers and is handy when playing with containers inside your code. It defines an API to access and manipulate containers, images and provides more, very helpful functions.

conu is supported on python 3.6+ only.




conu is available on PyPI, so you can easily install it with pip:

$ pip install --user conu


If you are running Fedora, we have packaged conu in an RPM:

$ dnf install python3-conu

Please visit our documentation for more info on installation.

Docker container

You can try conu also in the container, but you have to:

docker run -it --rm \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:z \
--cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
--privileged \
usercont/conu:0.6.0 python3
>>> from conu import DockerBackend
>>> backend = DockerBackend()
11:52:13.022 backend.py        INFO   conu has initiated, welcome to the party!
>>> image = backend.ImageClass('docker.io/library/nginx')
11:52:32.562 __init__.py       INFO   docker environment info: ...
>>> container = image.run_via_binary()
11:52:51.910 image.py          INFO   run container via binary in background

If you want to run custom source file, mount it to the container in the following way:

docker run -it --rm \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:z \
-v $PWD/my_source.py:/app/my_source.py:z \
--cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
--privileged \
usercont/conu:0.6.0 python3 /app/my_source.py


Container images





Docker example

Let's look at a practical example:

$ cat examples/readme_webserver.py

import logging

from conu import DockerRunBuilder, DockerBackend

# our webserver will be accessible on this port
port = 8765

# we'll utilize this container image
image_name = "registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora"
image_tag = "27"

# we'll run our container using docker engine
with DockerBackend(logging_level=logging.DEBUG) as backend:
    # the image will be pulled if it's not present
    image = backend.ImageClass(image_name, tag=image_tag)

    # the command to run in a container
    command = ["python3", "-m", "http.server", "--bind", "", "%d" % port]
    # let's run the container (in the background)
    container = image.run_via_binary(command=command)
        # we need to wait for the webserver to start serving
        # GET on /
        # this is standard `requests.Response`
        http_response = container.http_request(path="/", port=port)
        assert http_response.ok
        assert '<a href="etc/">etc/</a>' in http_response.content.decode("utf-8")
        # let's access /etc/passwd
        etc_passwd = container.http_request(path="/etc/passwd", port=port).content.decode("utf-8")
        assert 'root:x:0:0:root:/root:' in etc_passwd
        # we can also access it directly on disk and compare
        with container.mount() as fs:
            assert etc_passwd == fs.read_file("/etc/passwd")

Let's run it and look at the logs:

$ python3 examples/readme_webserver.py
13:32:17.668 backend.py        INFO   conu has initiated, welcome to the party!
13:32:17.668 backend.py        DEBUG  conu version: 0.1.0
13:32:17.669 filesystem.py     INFO   initializing Directory(path=/tmp/shiny-kbjmsxgett)
13:32:17.669 filesystem.py     DEBUG  changing permission bits of /tmp/shiny-kbjmsxgett to 0o700
13:32:17.669 filesystem.py     INFO   initialized
13:32:17.676 image.py          INFO   run container via binary in background
13:32:17.676 image.py          DEBUG  docker command: ['docker', 'container', 'run', '-v', '/tmp/shiny-kbjmsxgett:/webroot', '-w', '/webroot', '-d', '--cidfile=/tmp/conu-b3jluxsc/conu-cbtbokqsedrtmiktfawbozgczdgxktmt', '-l', 'conu.test_artifact', 'sha256:9881e4229c9517b592980740ab2dfd8b5176adf7eb3be0f32b10a5dac5a3f12a', 'python3', '-m', 'http.server', '--bind', '', '8765']
13:32:17.676 __init__.py       DEBUG  command: ['docker', 'container', 'run', '-v', '/tmp/shiny-kbjmsxgett:/webroot', '-w', '/webroot', '-d', '--cidfile=/tmp/conu-b3jluxsc/conu-cbtbokqsedrtmiktfawbozgczdgxktmt', '-l', 'conu.test_artifact', 'sha256:9881e4229c9517b592980740ab2dfd8b5176adf7eb3be0f32b10a5dac5a3f12a', 'python3', '-m', 'http.server', '--bind', '', '8765']
13:32:18.131 probes.py         DEBUG  starting probe
13:32:18.137 probes.py         DEBUG  Running "<lambda>" with parameters: "{}": 0/10
13:32:18.133 probes.py         DEBUG  first process started: pid=5812
13:32:18.141 probes.py         DEBUG  pausing for 0.1 before next try
13:32:18.243 probes.py         DEBUG  starting probe
13:32:18.244 probes.py         DEBUG  first process started: pid=5828
13:32:18.245 probes.py         DEBUG  pausing for 1 before next try
13:32:18.246 probes.py         DEBUG  Running "functools.partial(<bound method DockerContainer.is_port_open of DockerContainer(image=registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:27, id=6a0530ab32c17858180c9c3867c17a2aaf3466c6dd17c329ab7a0cf9d991f626)>, 8765)" with parameters: "{}":      0/10
13:32:18.251 __init__.py       INFO   trying to open connection to
13:32:18.251 __init__.py       INFO   was connection successful? errno: 0
13:32:18.251 __init__.py       DEBUG  port is opened:
13:32:19.444 filesystem.py     INFO   brace yourselves, removing '/tmp/shiny-kbjmsxgett'

The test passed! The logs should be easy to read, so you should have pretty good overview of what happened.


Use conu with minikube locally

If you want to test your images in Kubernetes locally, you will need to run kubernetes cluster on your host. We recommend to use minikube, for installation follow instructions in minikube github repository.

After that, run minikube like this:

$ minikube start

Kubernetes example

$ cat examples/k8s_deployment.py
from conu.backend.k8s.backend import K8sBackend
from conu.backend.k8s.deployment import Deployment
from conu.utils import get_oc_api_token

# obtain API key from OpenShift cluster. If you are not using OpenShift cluster for kubernetes tests
# you need to replace `get_oc_api_token()` with your Bearer token. More information here:
# https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/
api_key = get_oc_api_token()

with K8sBackend(api_key=api_key) as k8s_backend:

    namespace = k8s_backend.create_namespace()

    template = """
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: hello-world
        app: hello-world
      replicas: 3
          app: hello-world
            app: hello-world
          - name: hello-openshift
            image: openshift/hello-openshift

    test_deployment = Deployment(namespace=namespace, from_template=template,

        assert test_deployment.all_pods_ready()

Let's run it and look at the logs:

$ python3 examples/k8s_deployment.py
13:23:09.479 backend.py        INFO   conu has initiated, welcome to the party!
13:23:09.523 backend.py        INFO   Creating namespace: namespace-m4cz
13:23:14.557 backend.py        INFO   Namespace is ready!
13:23:19.562 deployment.py     INFO   Creating Deployment hello-world in namespace: namespace-m4cz
13:23:27.625 deployment.py     INFO   All pods are ready for deployment hello-world in namespace: namespace-m4cz
13:23:28.620 deployment.py     INFO   Deleting Deployment hello-world in namespace: namespace-m4cz
13:23:28.654 backend.py        INFO   Deleting namespace: namespace-m4cz


Use conu for testing locally

If you want to test your images in OpenShift locally, you need to run OpenShift cluster on your host. You can install it by following instructions in OpenShift origin or minishift github repositories.

After that, you may need to setup cluster, here is example setup:

oc cluster up
oc login -u system:admin
oadm policy add-role-to-user system:registry developer
oadm policy add-role-to-user admin developer
oadm policy add-role-to-user system:image-builder developer
oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-reader developer
oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user admin developer
oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin developer
oc login -u developer -p developer

For more information, why do you need to grant all these rights to user see accessing registry

OpenShift example

$ cat examples/oepnshift/openshift_s2i_remote.py
import logging

from conu.backend.origin.backend import OpenshiftBackend
from conu.backend.docker.backend import DockerBackend
from conu.utils import get_oc_api_token

api_key = get_oc_api_token()
with OpenshiftBackend(api_key=api_key, logging_level=logging.DEBUG) as openshift_backend:
    with DockerBackend(logging_level=logging.DEBUG) as backend:
        # builder image
        python_image = backend.ImageClass("centos/python-36-centos7")

        # docker login inside OpenShift internal registry

        # create new app from remote source in OpenShift cluster
        app_name = openshift_backend.new_app(python_image,

            # wait until service is ready to accept requests
                expected_output='Welcome to your Django application on OpenShift',

Let's run it and look at the logs:

$ python3 examples/openshift/openshift_s2i_remote.py
13:29:38.231 backend.py        INFO   conu has initiated, welcome to the party!
13:29:38.231 backend.py        DEBUG  conu version: 0.5.0
13:29:38.256 backend.py        INFO   conu has initiated, welcome to the party!
13:29:38.256 backend.py        DEBUG  conu version: 0.5.0
13:29:38.314 __init__.py       INFO   docker environment info: 'Client:\n Version:         1.13.1\n API version:     1.26\n Package version: docker-1.13.1-74.git6e3bb8e.el7.centos.x86_64\n Go version:      go1.10.3\n Git commit:      1556cce-unsupported\n Built:           Wed Aug  1 17:21:17 2018\n OS/Arch:         linux/amd64\n\nServer:\n Version:         1.13.1\n API version:     1.26 (minimum version 1.12)\n Package version: docker-1.13.1-74.git6e3bb8e.el7.centos.x86_64\n Go version:      go1.9.4\n Git commit:      6e3bb8e/1.13.1\n Built:           Tue Aug 21 15:23:37 2018\n OS/Arch:         linux/amd64\n Experimental:    false\n'
13:29:38.326 backend.py        INFO   conu has initiated, welcome to the party!
13:29:38.584 backend.py        INFO   conu has initiated, welcome to the party!
13:29:38.656 backend.py        INFO   Login to succeed
13:29:38.656 backend.py        INFO   conu has initiated, welcome to the party!
13:29:38.673 image.py          INFO   The push refers to a repository []
13:29:38.689 image.py          INFO   Preparing
13:29:38.689 image.py          INFO   Preparing
13:29:38.689 image.py          INFO   Preparing
13:29:38.690 image.py          INFO   Preparing
13:29:38.690 image.py          INFO   Preparing
13:29:38.690 image.py          INFO   Preparing
13:29:38.690 image.py          INFO   Preparing
13:29:38.690 image.py          INFO   Preparing
13:29:38.690 image.py          INFO   Preparing
13:29:38.700 image.py          INFO   Waiting
13:29:38.701 image.py          INFO   Waiting
13:29:38.701 image.py          INFO   Waiting
13:29:38.701 image.py          INFO   Waiting
13:29:38.747 image.py          INFO   Layer already exists
13:29:38.747 image.py          INFO   Layer already exists
13:29:38.753 image.py          INFO   Layer already exists
13:29:38.754 image.py          INFO   Layer already exists
13:29:38.772 image.py          INFO   Layer already exists
13:29:38.807 image.py          INFO   Layer already exists
13:29:38.807 image.py          INFO   Layer already exists
13:29:38.807 image.py          INFO   Layer already exists
13:29:38.807 image.py          INFO   Layer already exists
13:29:39.065 image.py          INFO   latest: digest: sha256:51cf14c1d1491c5ab0e902c52740c22d4fff52f95111b97d195d12325a426350 size: 2210
13:29:39.065 backend.py        INFO   Creating new app in project myproject
13:29:39.558 backend.py        INFO   Waiting for service to get ready
13:30:06.768 backend.py        INFO   Connection to service established and return expected output!
13:30:07.729 backend.py        INFO   Deleting app
13:30:09.504 backend.py        INFO   deploymentconfig "app-u4ow" deleted
13:30:09.504 backend.py        INFO   buildconfig "app-u4ow" deleted
13:30:09.504 backend.py        INFO   imagestream "app-u4ow" deleted
13:30:09.504 backend.py        INFO   pod "app-u4ow-1-vltwq" deleted
13:30:09.504 backend.py        INFO   service "app-u4ow" deleted

Real examples


For more info see our documentation at conu.readthedocs.io.

How to release conu

We are using awesome release-bot for new conu releases. If you want to make new release: