

Note: this project isn't actively developed since I no longer use hound regularly, but I will happily respond to issues or pull requests. Further, if someone who still uses hound and vim wants to take over maintainance lmk and I'll give it a think.


A plugin to talk to Etsy's Hound trigram search.


Vundle or Pathogen


This plugin requires:

webapi-vim and curl


Introduces the


command, which takes a string and asks a hound server: "like hey what's up with this string?" and presents the results in a scratch buffer.

You can also get the results in a quickfix window by running

HoundQF <searchterm>

hound.vim assumes you have a server running on localhost at port 6080. If you want to hit somewhere else you can redefine either in your .vimrc:

let g:hound_base_url = "arbitrary.url.com"
let g:hound_port = "6081"

You can also limit which repos you search through with (case insensitive) comma separated strings:

let g:hound_repos = "arepo,anotherrepo,anynumberofrepos"

You can tell hound.vim where your repositories live, by specifying a lower case dictionary like so:

 let g:hound_repo_paths = {
    \'arepo': '/path/to/arepo',
    \'anotherrepo': '~/path/to/anotherrepo',}

If your repos have uppercase letters, please specify them with capitals in g:hound_repos and g:hound_repo_paths, and set:

let g:hound_preserve_repo_case = 1

This dictionary is required in order to use the HoundQF command.

To ignore case in searches by default:

let g:hound_ignore_case = 1

I also recommend a mapping such as

nnoremap <leader>a :Hound<space>

for quick access.

If you want a vertical split instead of a new window:

let g:hound_vertical_split = 1


<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/hoo6z.jpg" alt="dogehound" style="width: 200px;"/>