

moove - 🚚 Manipulate file names and locations

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moove is a command line tool for renaming and moving files and directories using a text editor.

🎨 Features | 🚀 Usage | 📥 Getting started | 💙 Contributing | 🌏 License


Features 🎨

Caveats ⚠

Usage 🚀

Usage: moove [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...

  [PATHS]...  Paths or wildcard patterns to move

  -v, --verbose                    Verbose output
  -s, --sort                       Sort in the natural order
  -a, --absolute                   Treat as absolute paths
  -d, --directory                  Directories themselves, not their contents
  -w, --with-hidden                Include hidden files
  -e, --exclude-pattern <PATTERN>  Exclude regular expression pattern
  -c, --copy                       Copy without moving
  -u, --dry-run                    Dry-run
  -o, --oops                       Abort in case of collision (prompt as default)
  -q, --quiet                      No output to stdout/strerr even if error
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version

Configuration 🎚

Getting Started 📥

Pre-compiled binaries

Install by cargo

cargo install moove


Contributing 💙

Followings are used to build.

Setup development environment 🪜

  1. Install Zig according to the Zig document.
  2. Run following commands.
cargo install cargo-make
cargo make setup

Testing and Building 🔨


License 🌏

Licensed under either of

at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

© 2023 Urin

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