


NPM Version Build status

A simple script to auto build recent OpenCV + contrib version via npm. This script is used to auto build opencv4nodejs.

Main changes from the original project

Each OpenCV build will take around 2Gb on your drive, so I recommand you to define the OPENCV_BUILD_ROOT environement variable to avoid duplicate buildsand avoid node_modules auto flushs.


npm install opencv-build


npm-opencv-build usage:
   --version <value>    OpenCV version                           (OPENCV4NODEJS_AUTOBUILD_OPENCV_VERSION env variable)
   --flags <value>      OpenCV cMake Build flags                 (OPENCV4NODEJS_AUTOBUILD_FLAGS env variable)
   --root <value>       OpenCV-build root directory (deprecated) (INIT_CWD env variable)
   --buildRoot <value>  OpenCV build directory                   (OPENCV_BUILD_ROOT env variable)
   --cuda               Enable cuda in OpenCV build              (OPENCV4NODEJS_BUILD_CUDA env variable)
   --cudaArch <value>   Specify the cuda arch will drasticly reduce build time, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA,
                        ex if you have a RTX 3080 use --cudaArch=8.6, if you have also a RTX 2080 --cudaArch=7.5,8.6
                                                                 (OPENCV4NODEJS_BUILD_CUDA_ARCH env variable)
   --nocontrib          Do not compile Contrib modules           (OPENCV4NODEJS_AUTOBUILD_WITHOUT_CONTRIB env variable)
   --nobuild            Do build OpenCV                          (OPENCV4NODEJS_DISABLE_AUTOBUILD env variable)
   --incDir <value>     OpenCV include directory                 (OPENCV_INCLUDE_DIR env variable)
   --libDir <value>     OpenCV library directory                 (OPENCV_LIB_DIR env variable)
   --binDir <value>     OpenCV bin directory                     (OPENCV_BIN_DIR env variable)
   --keepsources        Keepsources OpenCV source after build
   --dry-run            Display command line use to build library
   --git-cache          Reduce Bandwide usage, by keeping a local git souce un the buildRoot (OPENCV_GIT_CACHE env variable)



for nodejs <= 12

npm install --global windows-build-tools

OpenCVBuildEnv options

It's possible to specify build environment variables by passing argument to the builder script

node lib/main.js --version 4.5.5 --buildRoot ~/openCV

with flags, do not forget the quotes "

node lib/main.js --version 4.5.5 --buildRoot ~/openCV --flags "-DOPENCV_GENERATE_PKGCONFIG=ON -DOPENCV_PC_FILE_NAME=opencv.pc"

Using the bin alias

opencv-build-npm --version 4.5.5

Or by inserting them into the package.json where the dependency is declared an object like:

  "opencv4nodejs": {
    "autoBuildOpencvVersion": "4.6.0"

By using environement varaibles.

export OPENCV_BUILD_ROOT="~/openCV"

node build/main.js


The prebuild is a smart version selector, to avoid futher re-compilation, accepted values are:

the prebuild option intend to be use at runtime, so you do not have to keep trak of the version you want to use.


Choose the openCV version you want to build, default is 4.5.5,

This option value can be provide using:


The buildRoot is the most important parameter, it define the directory used to build openCV, Default value is the npm-opencv-build directory. You generaly want to use this value to persist your build files out of your node_modules directory, and buy doing som share openCV built between your project.

This option value can be provide using:


The git-cache reduce git clone data transfert, git data will be cache in you buildRoot, so you will onlyt downdload all git file once.

This option value can be provide using:


Set any value to enable, the following cMake flag will be added:

This option value can be enable using:


Append option to CMake flags.

This option value can be enable using:


Set any value to enable, this option will skip openCV Contribs.

This option value can be enable using:


Set any value to disable compilation from sources.

This option value can be enable using:

Generaly you should prefer using the environment variables OPENCV4NODEJS_DISABLE_AUTOBUILD


Over write the OPENCV_INCLUDE_DIR environment variables


Over write the OPENCV_LIB_DIR environment variables


Over write the OPENCV_BIN_DIR environment variables

build test

opencv-build-npm --flags="-DBUILD_LIST=core,imgproc,imgcodecs,videoio,highgui,video,calib3d,features2d,objdetect,dnn,ml,flann,photo,stitching,gapi" --version=3.4.15 --nocontrib
opencv-build-npm --version=4.5.5 --nocontrib