

<div align="center"> <a href="https://upvpn.app"> <img src="./upvpn-assets/icons/Square71x71Logo.png" > </a> <h3 align="center">upvpn</h3> <h4 align="center">A Modern Serverless VPN</h4> <img src="upvpn-assets/cli.gif" /> </div>


upvpn (pronounced Up VPN) app is a WireGuard VPN client for Linux, Windows, Android, tvOS, iOS, and macOS. For more information please visit https://upvpn.app

upvpn desktop app is made up of UI, CLI and background Daemon.


upvpn utilizes a serverless computing model, where a Linux-based WireGuard server is provisioned on public cloud providers when the app requests a VPN connection. The server is deprovisioned when the app requests to disconnect from the VPN.

This entire process occurs with a single click or tap on the user interface, or through a single command in the terminal.


Alternatively, visit Github Releases or the website at https://upvpn.app/download



Crate or DirectoryDescription
upvpn-androidStandalone app for Android.
upvpn-appleStandalone apps for tvOS, iOS and macOS built using Network Extension. The macOS app doesn't include the upvpn CLI.
upvpn-cliCode for upvpn cli.
upvpn-configConfiguration read from env vars, upvpn.conf.toml are merged at runtime in upvpn-config and is source of runtime configuration for upvpn-cli, upvpn-daemon, and upvpn-ui.
upvpn-controllerDefines GRPC protobuf for APIs exposed by upvpn-daemon to be consumed by upvpn-cli and upvpn-ui.
upvpn-daemonDaemon is responsible for orchestrating a VPN session. It takes input from upvpn-cli or upvpn-ui via GRPC (defined in upvpn-controller) and make calls to backend server via separate GRPC (defined in upvpn-server). When backend informs that a server is ready daemon configures network tunnel, see NetworkDependency.md for more info.
upvpn-entityDefines data models used by upvpn-daemon to persist data on disk in sqlite database.
upvpn-migrationDefines database migration from which upvpn-entity is generated.
upvpn-packagesContains resources to package binaries for distribution on macOS (pkg), Linux (rpm & deb), and Windows (msi).
upvpn-serverContains GRPC protobuf definitions and code for communication with backend server.
upvpn-typesDefines common Rust types for data types used in various crates. These are also used to generate Typescript types for upvpn-ui for seamless serialization and deserialization across language boundaries.
upvpn-uiA Tauri based desktop app. GPRC communication with daemon is done in Rust. Typescript code interact with Rust code via Tauri commands.

Building Desktop Apps

Please see Build.md

Building Android App

Please see upvpn-android/README.md

Building iOS, tvOS, macOS Apps

Please see upvpn-apple/README.md


Android app, apps for Apple Platforms, and all Rust crates in this repository are licensed under GPL version 3.

Copyright (C) 2023 upvpn LLC

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.