



Scan new objects added to any s3 bucket using AWS Lambda. more details in this post


How It Works



Build from Source

To build the archive to upload to AWS Lambda, run make all. The build process is completed using the amazonlinux Docker image. The resulting archive will be built at build/lambda.zip. This file will be uploaded to AWS for both Lambda functions below.

Create Relevant AWS Infra via CloudFormation

Use CloudFormation with the cloudformation.yaml located in the deploy/ directory to quickly spin up the AWS infra needed to run this project. CloudFormation will create:

Running CloudFormation, it will ask for 2 inputs for this stack:

  1. BucketType: private (default) or public. This is applied to the S3 bucket that stores the AntiVirus definitions. We recommend to only use public when other AWS accounts need access to this bucket.
  2. SourceBucket: [a non-empty string]. The name (do not include s3://) of the S3 bucket that will have its objects scanned. Note - this is just used to create the IAM Policy, you can add/change source buckets later via the IAM Policy that CloudFormation outputs

After the Stack has successfully created, there are 3 manual processes that still have to be done:

  1. Upload the build/lambda.zip file that was created by running make all to the avUpdateDefinitions and avScanner Lambda functions via the Lambda Console.
  2. To trigger the Scanner function on new S3 objects, go to the avScanner Lambda function console, navigate to Configuration -> Trigger -> Add Trigger -> Search for S3, and choose your bucket(s) and select All object create events, then click Add. Note - if you chose more than 1 bucket as the source, or chose a different bucket than the Source Bucket in the CloudFormation parameter, you will have to also edit the IAM Role to reflect these new buckets (see "Adding or Changing Source Buckets")
  3. Navigate to the avUpdateDefinitions Lambda function and manually trigger the function to get the initial Clam definitions in the bucket (instead of waiting for the 3 hour trigger to happen). Do this by clicking the Test section, and then clicking the orange test button. The function should take a few seconds to execute, and when finished you should see the clam_defs in the av-definitions S3 bucket.

Adding or Changing Source Buckets

Changing or adding Source Buckets is done by editing the AVScannerLambdaRole IAM Role. More specifically, the S3AVScan and KmsDecrypt parts of that IAM Role's policy.

S3 Events

Configure scanning of additional buckets by adding a new S3 event to invoke the Lambda function. This is done from the properties of any bucket in the AWS console.


Note: If configured to update object metadata, events must only be configured for PUT and POST. Metadata is immutable, which requires the function to copy the object over itself with updated metadata. This can cause a continuous loop of scanning if improperly configured.


Runtime configuration is accomplished using environment variables. See the table below for reference.

AV_DEFINITION_S3_BUCKETBucket containing antivirus definition filesYes
AV_DEFINITION_S3_PREFIXPrefix for antivirus definition filesclamav_defsNo
AV_DEFINITION_PATHPath containing files at runtime/tmp/clamav_defsNo
AV_SCAN_START_SNS_ARNSNS topic ARN to publish notification about start of scanNo
AV_SCAN_START_METADATAThe tag/metadata indicating the start of the scanav-scan-startNo
AV_SIGNATURE_METADATAThe tag/metadata name representing file's AV typeav-signatureNo
AV_STATUS_CLEANThe value assigned to clean items inside of tags/metadataCLEANNo
AV_STATUS_INFECTEDThe value assigned to clean items inside of tags/metadataINFECTEDNo
AV_STATUS_METADATAThe tag/metadata name representing file's AV statusav-statusNo
AV_STATUS_SNS_ARNSNS topic ARN to publish scan results (optional)No
AV_TIMESTAMP_METADATAThe tag/metadata name representing file's scan timeav-timestampNo
CLAMAVLIB_PATHPath to ClamAV library files./binNo
CLAMSCAN_PATHPath to ClamAV clamscan binary./bin/clamscanNo
FRESHCLAM_PATHPath to ClamAV freshclam binary./bin/freshclamNo
DATADOG_API_KEYAPI Key for pushing metrics to DataDog (optional)No
AV_PROCESS_ORIGINAL_VERSION_ONLYControls that only original version of an S3 key is processed (if bucket versioning is enabled)FalseNo
AV_DELETE_INFECTED_FILESControls whether infected files should be automatically deletedFalseNo
EVENT_SOURCEThe source of antivirus scan event "S3" or "SNS" (optional)S3No
S3_ENDPOINTThe Endpoint to use when interacting wth S3NoneNo
SNS_ENDPOINTThe Endpoint to use when interacting wth SNSNoneNo
LAMBDA_ENDPOINTThe Endpoint to use when interacting wth LambdaNoneNo

S3 Bucket Policy Examples

Deny to download the object if not "CLEAN"

This policy doesn't allow to download the object until:

  1. The lambda that run Clam-AV is finished (so the object has a tag)
  2. The file is not CLEAN

Please make sure to check cloudtrail for the arn:aws:sts, just find the event open it and copy the sts. It should be in the format provided below:

    "Effect": "Deny",
    "NotPrincipal": {
        "AWS": [
    "Action": "s3:GetObject",
    "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<<bucket-name>>/*",
    "Condition": {
        "StringNotEquals": {
            "s3:ExistingObjectTag/av-status": "CLEAN"

Deny to download and re-tag "INFECTED" object

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": ["s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObjectTagging"],
      "Principal": "*",
      "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::<<bucket-name>>/*"],
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "s3:ExistingObjectTag/av-status": "INFECTED"

Manually Scanning Buckets

You may want to scan all the objects in a bucket that have not previously been scanned or were created prior to setting up your lambda functions. To do this you can use the scan_bucket.py utility.

pip install boto3
scan_bucket.py --lambda-function-name=<lambda_function_name> --s3-bucket-name=<s3-bucket-to-scan>

This tool will scan all objects that have not been previously scanned in the bucket and invoke the lambda function asynchronously. As such you'll have to go to your cloudwatch logs to see the scan results or failures. Additionally, the script uses the same environment variables you'd use in your lambda so you can configure them similarly.


There are two types of tests in this repository. The first is pre-commit tests and the second are python tests. All of these tests are run by CircleCI.

pre-commit Tests

The pre-commit tests ensure that code submitted to this repository meet the standards of the repository. To get started with these tests run make pre_commit_install. This will install the pre-commit tool and then install it in this repository. Then the github pre-commit hook will run these tests before you commit your code.

To run the tests manually run make pre_commit_tests or pre-commit run -a.

Python Tests

The python tests in this repository use unittest and are run via the nose utility. To run them you will need to install the developer resources and then run the tests:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
make test

Local lambdas

You can run the lambdas locally to test out what they are doing without deploying to AWS. This is accomplished by using docker containers that act similarly to lambda. You will need to have set up some local variables in your .envrc.local file and modify them appropriately first before running direnv allow. If you do not have direnv it can be installed with brew install direnv.

For the Scan lambda you will need a test file uploaded to S3 and the variables TEST_BUCKET and TEST_KEY set in your .envrc.local file. Then you can run:

direnv allow
make archive scan

If you want a file that will be recognized as a virus you can download a test file from the EICAR website and uploaded to your bucket.

For the Update lambda you can run:

direnv allow
make archive update


Upside Travel, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

ClamAV is released under the GPL Version 2 License and all source for ClamAV is available for download on Github.