

title: "uPort Android SDK" index: 1 category: "android-sdk" type: "content"

uPort Android SDK

Identity for your Android dApps.

This is a preview version of the uPort android SDK. Many intended features are still missing, and the ones already present are under heavy development. Expect some breaking changes

Development planning is done at https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/2198688


This SDK is available through jitpack

In your main build.gradle file, add:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

In your application build.gradle file, add:

def uport_sdk_version = "0.5.1"
dependencies {
    // core SDK
    implementation "com.github.uport-project.uport-android-sdk:sdk:$uport_sdk_version"


Configure uPort in your Application class

override fun onCreate() {
    val config = Uport.Configuration()


This preview version of the SDK has the concept of defaultAccount as a nullable field in the Uport object. If there is no default account when a new one is created, it becomes the default.

Uport.defaultAccount?.address // Returns the mnid address of the default account
Uport.defaultAccount?.publicAddress // Returns the hex address of the default account
Uport.defaultAccount?.network // Returns the network id of the default account

//returns the ETH balance of the deviceAddress (measured in wei)
Uport.defaultAccount?.getBalance() { err, balance ->
    // do something with balance or respond to err

//or as a coroutine:
val balanceInWei = Uport.defaultAccount?.getBalance()

Account Creation

if (Uport.defaultAccount == null) {
    Uport.createAccount(network = Networks.rinkeby) { err, account ->
            // update UI to reflect the existence of a defaultAccount

In case the app gets killed during the account creation process, the createAccount method will try to resume the process where it left off. It can be instructed to start from scratch, but that may cost additional fuel.

Account management

Account objects have a handle field that can be used to refer to them in the future. The handle right now is an ethereum address but it should be treated as an opaque string, as it will change in a future release. You should not send funds to that address.

Key management

The signer library is used to create and manage keys for uport accounts. Read full details in key management documentation

Ethereum interaction

uPort SDK lets you create, sign, and submit Ethereum transactions.

This SDK preview version uses simple KeyPair accounts which require self-funding. There is also support for proxy-contract accounts and metaTransactions but it is not used by default any more.

//transfer value
val destination: String = "0x010101...."
val amountInWei = BigInteger.valueOf(1_000_000_000)

Uport.defaultAccount?.send(activity, destination, amountInWei) { err, txHash ->
  // Update UI to indicate that transaction has been sent and is confirming
  Networks.rinkeby.awaitConfirmation(txHash) { err, receipt ->
    // Complete operation in UX

//`send` can also be used in coroutines

//call contract
val contractAddress = "0x010101..."
val data : ByteArray = <ABI encoded contract method call>

val txHash : String = Uport.defaultAccount?.send(activity, contractAddress, data)
val receipt = Networks.rinkeby.awaitConfirmation(txHash)

off-chain interaction

Off-chain interaction is essentially signing and verifying JWTs using specific JWT algorithms. Verification of such tokens implies resolving a Decentralized Identity (DID) document that will contain the keys or address that should match a JWT signature. To obtain a DIDDocument one needs to use a DIDResolver.

The UniversalDID is a global registry of DIDResolvers for apps using the SDK. During SDK initialization this registry gets populated with default resolvers for uport-did, ethr-did and https-did You can register your own resolver(s) using UniversalDID.registerResolver(resolver) Registering a new resolver that resolves the same DID method will override the previous one.

These DIDDocuments are used during verification of compatible JWT tokens.

verify a JWT token

//in a coroutine context:
val tokenPayload : JWTPayload? = JWTTools().verify(token)

if (tokenPayload != null) {
} else {
    //token cannot be verified

create a JWT token

val payload = mapOf( "claims" to mapOf( "name" to "R Daneel Olivaw" ) )

val signer = KPSigner("0x1234")
val issuer = "did:ethr:0x${signer.getAddress()}"

//in a coroutine context
val jwt : String = JWTTools().create(payload, issuer, signer)

Encrypted messaging

//compute an encryption publicKey starting from a private key (can be an ethereum private key) 
val publicKey = Crypto.getEncryptionPublicKey(privateKeyBytes)

//encrypt a message with an intended recipient
val encryptedBundle = Crypto.encrypt("hello world", recipientPublicKeyBase64)
val serializedMessage = encryptedBundle.toJson()

//decrypt a message
val receivedBundle = EncryptedMessage.fromJson(serializedMessage)
val decryptedMessage = Crypto.decrypt(receivedBundle, recipientSecretKey)


Currently there is a transient dependency on spongycastle but that may be removed when pure kotlin implementations of the required cryptographic primitives become available.


Want to contribute to uport-android-sdk? Cool, please read our contribution guidelines to get an understanding of the process we use for making changes to this repo.
